30 || Rather Die

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Honest - The Neighbourhood


Remnants of processed sugar and artificial sweetener leave a bitter burn in my mouth yet even as I drag a hand across it in an attempt to rid the taste, it lingers.

She lingers.

It's a strong taste, so strong that I begin to wonder what possessed me to voluntarily put myself in such a disgusting situation.

It wasn't because I wanted to. I didn't.  It wasn't even because of the look on her face.

It was the look on her fathers face.

The old Italian man's features tighten, anxiety and panic force heavy lines onto his face.

That was why I kissed her.

It's a satisfying sight, so much so, that I lean into the lunatic at my side, so close that my nose skims the silky strands of her hair next to her ear. "Play nice."

It's an order I know she won't heed, despite smelling of sweetness and tasting of such, the woman was anything but.

An elbow digs into my side, and her eyes connect with mine when she turns her head. "Fuck off with ordering me around, Kozlov."

"No." I respond plainly, relishing in the way her serpent green eyes narrow slightly. The only time this arrangement was bearable was when I succeeded in pissing her off.

Due to how much she's breaching my personal space, my gaze naturally draws down to her mouth, which she opens to respond to me. Painted in that signature deep red, I watch them, waiting for what she's going to say next.

She suddenly pauses and those lips slowly stretch into a sideways smile. "Don't tell me you're thinking about kissing me again."

My eyes linger in question, her lips tip in self assurance and when I realize what she's implying, I snap my eyes away from her mouth, up to her. My features stone and my gaze unimpressed. "Don't flatter yourself."

"How could I not when you're looking at me like that." tilting her head back to look up at me, she leans closer, her lips ghosting over mine, while her words escape in a murmur. "Tell me, Adrik, are you falling in love with me and my mouth?"

This woman had a knack for saying things in a way that made my mind want to wander and for the briefest of moments I'm tempted to give into the temptation that is the mouth in question.

Love was the farthest thing from my thoughts when I thought about her let alone her smart mouth.

I'd laugh if the idea of laughing at something she'd said didn't give me hives.

The clearing of a throat from behind her seems to break our conversation and while we both don't glance at him, we know he's here.

"This is a family function. Do you mind?" The carefully grit question is aimed at me, but it's my fiancé who's eyes gloss over in rage before she responds.

"Oh, my bad." She sounds anything but apologetic and that evil glint in her eyes is anything but good. Yet I'm still caught off guard when a small hand fists my tie and pulls me towards her before bringing her smart mouth to mine.

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