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A lot of days have passed since the whole bathroom situation. I found out Draco was in the hospital wing. He was relived to see me. He told me he was in pain but nothing he could not handle. They made him stay there for a little while. 

The end of the year was coming up and there was not much time we had left to fix the cabinet. Every day I got more scared. Draco did not know but while he was in the wing I was fixing the cabinet. 

I hated to do it. It made me sick to my stomach. Its just something I realized I hated more than anything, And that was to have Draco dead. If I did not try helping to fix this and something were to happen to him I could never live with myself. 

It was hard balancing Quidditch , Class work , trying to act normal and work on the cabinet. No wonder Draco was antisocial and quit quidditch. 

Today felt different. Something in the air was different. I wore my hair down and I wear this black dress that was a tad bit flowy. I put on shorts underneath since it was kind of short. It had sleeves which was great. I wore my boots with it also. 

"You look like a rockstar" Devin told me. I laughed at her. "I wish I could be a rockstar" I said to her. "You can be anything you put your mind to" Madison added. I winked at her. 

"Honestly you look great though" Lorenzo told me. "You ate it up" Blake told me. "I really love the boots" Pansy added. I just smiled. "You guys really know how to flatter a lady" I told them. "Who said you were a lady?" Lorenzo commented. Everyone laughed. "Dont make me pull this dress down" I told him. "Oh please do not I definitely do not want to see you nacked" Blake said sarcastically. I hit him on the head. 

It was still sunny outside when I finished the cabinet. It was done. Now I just need Draco to find out for himself. I need him to think he did it all so he will not be upset about me doing it. I knew he would not mind but he just does not want me associated around it. 

I went to the wing. I walked to Draco's bed. He was sleeping. I just stood there and admired his beauty. He was so handsome. After a few minutes I felt like I was being a creep so I grabbed a piece of paper and a quill. I wrote him a little note. 

"Hi Draco it is me Nessa. I came by but you were sleep so I will come back later tonight ( definitely before curfew) and I will talk to you for a bit. I also will bring you more snacks. I am going to be off now so I love you. See you soon" - Love your girlfriend Nessa Manson.

I went to one of the few places in this castle where I knew I could breath for a while. The astronomy tower. I walked up the stairs and when I got there I seen two people looking out at the view. I turned back around. 

"Nessa!" I heard Dumbledore call. I stopped in my tracks and put my lips into a thin line. I breathed in deep and turned back around with a small smile on my face. "Hey professor" I said and walked back up there. Harry turned around and looked terrified. I was still mad at him. 

"Your hair has grown so much my friend" Dumbledore said to me. Did he call me his friend? I could literally cry right now. "You know at time, I for gotten how much you've grown. At times I still see you as the little girl who was helping everyone " He told me. I smiled. I still am that girl kind of. I still help people just not everyone. 

"I'm sorry I am just getting older" He told me. "You may be getting older but you look the same to me" I told him. He smiled. "Just like your mother you are very kind hearted" He told me. Oh my mother. How I love that women. 

"I am glad you are here Nessa I could use you for tonight's mission with me and Harry." Dumbledore told me. Did he really want me to come on a mission with them? I do not even know if there is a lie I can make up to get out of this.

Me and the devil  (Draco malfoy fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now