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The charms owl was boring. Easy but boring. I was done in the first hour. I may get into a lot of stuff but I still know my work. What mad it hard was Umbridge sending me and Harry stares the whole time. It was annoying honestly. 

I was sitting there messing with my finger nails. They were painted black at the moment. I heard bangs outside of the door. Umbridge walked and opened the door. A spark went in her face then it flew into the classroom and blew up. It was a fire work. I smiled hard. "Something exciting" I whispered to Blake. 

Then out of no where Fred and George flew in. They throw all of our papers into the air and then let of fireworks. I smiled hard and I seen them send me a wink. I love these boys. Everyone was up and cheering. They came and dropped one in front of my face and it put a heart around my face. It was so cool. 

"This is so cool!" Devin yelled. "I know I love it" I yelled at her. "They are my role models!" Lorenzo yelled. Then one became a dragon and chased after Umbridge. Then it knocked all her rules off the wall. 

Fred and George flew out the room and everyone followed and cheered. "Hop on" Lorenzo told me and I got on his back and went outside cheering. 

Lorenzo sat me down and a big W went in the sky. Then everything began to slow down. Voices were fading in and out. My heart started to beat fast. 

Then I seen Sirius in the same room where Author was hurt at. "I need that prophecy" I heard. "You will have to kill me" I heard Sirius say. "Oh I will but you will fetch it for me first" I heard a voice to familiar. Voldemort. Then I seen him. "Crucio" He casted. Then he kept doing it on Sirius. I felt dizzy. I felt sick. 

Then I seen someone else on the ground. Harry. I snapped out of it. Hermione ran over with Harry. "Sirius" We said at the same time. 

We ran and we ran up the stairs. "Are you guys sure?" Hermione asked. "I sall it like with Mr,Weasley" We both said. 

We ran to Umbridges office. We were going to use the floor network to go and save Sirius. I can not let nothing happen to him. I love him to much

"Alert the order if you can" Harry directed. "Are you mental we are going with you" ron told him. "Its to dangerous only me and Nessa seen it we need to go" Harry explained. "when are you going to get it through your head? We are in this together" Hermione explained to him. 

"That you are" I heard the annoying voice I hate. She had some of her squad with her and she tied me and Harry to these two chairs. I rolled my eyes. My siblings were here. I dont know how but they were. "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl" Draco said walking with Nevile. Me and him made eye contact. His face dropped. 

Everyone was here. Devin Blake Pansy were here as the squad. Lorenzo as a helper. Ginny and luna looked so sad. Umbridge got in our face. 

"You were going to Dumbledore wernt you?" She asked. "No" We said and she slapped us. "Lairs!" She yelled. "You little bi_" "You sent for me headmistress?" Snape cut me off. He has a habit of doing that now. "Snape yes , The time has come for answers rather they want to give them to me or not.. Have you bought the Veritaserum?" Umbridge asked. 

"I am afraid you have used up all my stores interrogating students, The last of it on miss Chang .. Unless you wish to poison them and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did .. I cannot help you"Snape tells her. Thanks Snape for saving the day. 

"She might want to poison me because when I get up this chair it will not end well" I said. I heard my siblings laughing. "Is that a threat?" She asked me. "It is a promise" I told her looking dead in her eyes. "Nessa we will need to have a talk soon" Snape told me before he turned around. "Hes got Padfoot.. Hes got padfoot a the place it is hidden" Harry told him. "Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where is that even hidden? What is he talking about snape?" Umbridge was confused. "No idea" Snape said low.

I threw my head back and let out a breath. You were no help Snape. "Very well. You give me no choice potter and Manson.. As this is an issue of Ministry security you guys leave me with no choice. No alternative. The Crucitas curse should loosen your tongues." Umbridge told us. 

"Thats illegal" Hermione spoke. "What Cornelius doesn't know wont hurt him" She said. " Dont hurt her!" Nolan yelled. "Leave them alone!" Nelly and Noah yelled. "Stop!" Neavah yelled. "Guys its okay it doesn't hurt me" I told them. 

She put the wand infront of my face. "Tell her Nessa and Harry!" Hermione yelled. "Tell me what?" Umbridge asked. "Well if you guys wont tell her where it is.. I will" Hermione yelled. 

I dont know what her plan is but I hope it is useful. "Where what is?" Umbridge questioned. "Dumbledore's secret weapon" Hermione said. Is she talking about Hagrid brother? 

She untied me and Harry but kept her wand pointed at me. Mainly because if she did not I would have hit her right in her face with no regrets. "Hurt any of them and I will come back and hurt every one of you" I told the squad beside my friends. 

We went to the forburned forest. We got to where Hagrid's brother is but he was off his rope. Oh no. "Well? Where is this weapon? There isnt one is there? You were trying to trick me. You know .. I really hate children."Umbridge said. 

"Stop acting so hurt by this. You abuse children all the time and not just physically but mentally. Honestly women you are the most annoying and exhausting person I have met, so in all fairness you deserve this.. You know deep down you deserve to be punished" I told her. 

"I really hate you Crucio" She yelled and waved her wand at me. I fell to the ground. I made little noises with my mouth. It never gets easier does it. I am trying to ignore the pain. I felt this pain before. I felt it before. "Stop now!" Hermione yelled. "You are hurting her!" Harry yelled. She snapped her head to a noise she heard.

There was Centaurs. I crawled to the closes tree root towards me. I sat in between them. Please let the pain stop. Please let it end. Then she wrapped one in a rope. He was trying so hard to breath. "Let him go" I tried to yell. "Stop it!" I ended. I closed my eyes and hoped the pain will stop.

Then it did. 

Me and the devil  (Draco malfoy fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now