Chapter 13

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Sky's POV

        It's been a long day not talking to Rain, just helplessly staring at him. I never meant to make things so complicated.
       "Maybe I should just try to forget about him." I said to myself knowing damn well that it'll be painful as fuck.
        I decided to not even go to the next class, as I had just decided to skip the rest of the day.
      "Maybe I should take a trip back home.* I thought to myself as I had left the university making my way back to my dorm to give my dad a call to see how he's doing.
       "What is it, son?" My father said as I had to fight back the tears as I had lied.
       "I miss you. Should I come home for a few days?" I said as the tears had started to fall from my eyes.
         "Don't you have school?"
          "No, I'm on vacation. How about I come visit for a day or two?"
         "What's the point in coming all the way out here for a few days?" He asked. I can't tell him the truth on why I wanna go home.
       "I don't care. I'm coming home for a few days."
       "Fine, be nice to see you since it's been awhile."
       "I'll see you soon." I said as we both had hung up as I went to my closet grabbing my bag as I had started to pack a few things for a couple of days. "Hopefully this might help me forget him." I thought to myself as I had set off to my hometown.

Rain's POV

          It's after lunch as I had noticed that Sky wasn't in class so I turned to Sig, "Have you seen Sky?" He only shook his head.
       "If I'm not mistaken he said he wasn't feeling good." He said as he just shrugged his shoulders, turning back in his seat.
      "Sick?" I thought to myself. He didn't seem sick as he looked all happy and perked up this morning as I was simply rude to him.
       "Is he skipping?" I thought as I could only think that was the only reason why he's not here now.
          "Was I really that harsh?" I thought to myself as I leaned down and grabbed my backpack sitting it up on my desk as I slid down in my chair to the floor trying to sneak out.
             I had managed to slip out of class without the teacher noticing as I knew that it was going to bite me on the ass later.

         I was on my way to Sky's dorm when I heard my phone go off.
            "Rain, let's meet and talk." It was a text from Phayu. I was a bit confused.
            "Okay, sure. Where should we meet?"
          "I'll text you the location. I'm already waiting." He texted back as I had known the place where he wanted to meet.
          "I'm just a few blocks away. I'll be there soon." I texted back as I had gone to the meeting place.

          Entering the cafe, I had looked around for Phayu, but was a bit confused on why Prapai was also here.
        I had walked over as Phayu stood up, I had just sat down in the seat across from him as he followed suit sitting back down.
          "What's this all about?" I asked as I looked at the both of them confused.
         "For one, I want to say sorry for how I acted last time I saw you." Phayu said as I had just shook my head.
          "It's okay. I understand. What's the other thing?" I asked as I could feel my heart feel a bit uneasy.
        "I'm not sure how to say this…" he trailed off as he had reached for Prapai's hand holding it in his.
        "What's going on?" I wasn't sure on how I'm handling this right now, but I could feel my heart sink.
        "I like Prapai. I don't know how or why these things ended up this way, but I think maybe we should break up." I could feel my heart break in two.
        I looked down, "I…I don't know what's going on, but I'm dealing with situations with Sky." I said as I had seen Prapai's hand reach for mine as I looked back up at them.
       "I'm okay now. I have Phayu…" he said as he turned to look at Phayu.
       "I love him, and I want to make him happy." They both smiled at each other before he looked back at me.
       "And Sky loves you. So what's the problem between you two?"
        I looked back down, "I was rude to him earlier this morning telling him to leave me alone. Then he winds up skipping the rest of the day." I looked back at them.
        "What should I do?"
         "Follow your heart. If you love him back, then tell him. We have all been through troubles and heart breaks. Don't keep pushing him away or you'll regret it." Prapai had said. I nodded my head with a smile on my face jumping up from my chair.
         "Thanks. And also, I wish you two happiness." I said as I had ran out of the cafe to Sky's dorm.

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