Chapter 10

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Rain's POV

        It's been awhile since I've seen P'Phayu or even talked to Sky. I've been dealing with this mentally and emotionally because I've been so confused on what to do about P'Phayu and Sky.

      I don't know if what I feel for Sky is love, or just Curiosity or even confusion. I just know that I've terribly hurt P'Phayu deeply and I know that things could never be the same. 

       I was busy working on a project when all of a sudden I had gotten a text on my phone, looking down to see it was Sky.

        "We really need to talk." It read as I had just sighed as I knew that running away from the problem isn't going to solve itself. 

        "Where do you want to meet?" I had texted back as I was going to set the phone down, it had instantly rung again.

         "I'm outside of your house." It read as I was shocked, I quickly had dropped my phone back on to the table as I had ran down the stairs.

          Opening the door running over to the gate, opening it I couldn't even get one word out as Sky had grabbed me by the neck pulling me in kissing me. 

         I could feel myself slowly give in but I had stopped myself as I had lifted a hand to slightly push him away. 

       "I thought we talked about this." I said but Sky ignored it as he had pulled me into a tight embrace. 

        "I've thought about things. I've thought about what you said. But no matter how much I think, it's always about you." He said as he had slowly pulled away looking at me with a look I wasn't sure of. 

         "I can't stop thinking about you, Rain. I'm serious about my feelings for you. I love you Rain." He said as he was about to kiss me again I stopped him. 

        "We can't. Because of P'Phayu and Prapai." He just shook his head as he had grabbed my hand in his. 

       I could feel my heart begin to race as he had looked at me, with what it seemed like eyes of love instead of lust. 

        "I broke up with P'Pai. I can't keep fooling myself of my feelings for you. It wasn't right wanting to be with and thinking about you and keeping P'Pai in the dark." I shook my head as this can't be happening right now.

        "No! Why would you do something like this? Everything that he's done for you!" I don't know if I'm still in denial, but I can't bare the thought of breaking up with P'Phayu even though we kind of already broke up. 

        "Rain, please. You can't tell me that you don't have feelings for me too. Everything we've been through, what we've done…" I shook my head. 

         "No…" I said as I turned to walk away but he just threw his arms around me. 

         "Rain…" I could feel the tears form in my eyes as I had pushed Sky's arms off walking up to the door putting my hand on the doorknob.

        "I'm not going to give up on you! I'll prove my feelings to you! You hear me Rain!" He called out after me as I had tried stopping myself from turning back to run to him as I had opened the door and walked in shutting it behind me.

          "What are you so afraid of, Rain," I said to myself before shaking my head as I walked off back to my room.

Phayu's POV

          Prapai has been at my house a lot lately as he stays drunk every night. I had walked over to the side of the table that he was on, grabbing his arm tossing it over my shoulder trying to pick him up as all he could do was stumble over himself. 

          "Prapai, why are you always drunk? I figured I'd be the one drinking everyday after the situation the other day with Rain." I had shook my head from the thought as I was able to finally lift him from the table to see Saifah stopping in his tracks. 

         "Oh God, he's here again." He said, shaking his head making his way to the front door. 

           "I'm out before I see something I shouldn't." He said as he opened the door and left as I had tried making our way to the stairs as he wasn't really of much help with his drunk self.

          "I really need you to cooperate with me." I said as he had looked up at me with a smile as he grabbed me by the chin.

         "Why are you looking so yummy today?" He said as he couldn't hold himself up as his hand dropped my chin as I could feel my heart start to beat fast. 

          "Not now Prapai! I'm trying to get you upstairs to the bed. You're starting to get heavy." I said as I had started to work my way upstairs holding him up the best I could until we finally got to the bedroom as I had kicked open the door. 

         I had walked him over to the bed, laying him down as I had stood up looking down at him.

         "What am I going to do with you?" I asked but didn't even worry about a response as I knew how drunk he was as I had turned to go get a towel and new fresh clothes for him to change into, but was grabbed by the wrist as I soon was thrown onto my bed with him hovering over me.

          "Let's do it." He said as he bent down and kissed me. I had quickly pushed him away as he lost his balance rolling over to the side as I sat up. 

          "Prapai, you're too drunk." I said as he just groaned.

          "I don't want to do it when you're this drunk." I said as I was about to get up to go get that rag as I was pulled down back onto the bed as he had wrapped an arm around me cuddling up to me as I could tell he's been crying again.

        "Just get some sleep, I'm not going anywhere." I said as he hugged me tighter as I had lifted my hand ruffling his hair before moving it aside, giving him a small kiss to his forehead as I had wrapped an arm around him as we both fell asleep.

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