Arc vs Kong

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The next day, after a few hours of walking, the group soon arrives at the Jungle Kingdom gates, which were towering and covered in leaves and trees.

Peach: you guys really?

Jaune: Let's go.

The Toads nod as Peach then knocks on the door. A few seconds later, it opens to reveal a tall blonde gorilla in a white sports coat roaring at them, making the toads scream and hide behind a startled Peach. Jaune on the other hand isn't scared of the gorilla, as he stops roaring and glares at them.

 Jaune on the other hand isn't scared of the gorilla, as he stops roaring and glares at them

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Toad: Whaaaat?

Jaune: Sup?

Peach: We are here to see the king.

The blonde gorilla stares at Peach in the eyes before making up his mind.

BG: Follow me.

He walks away, leaving the others to talk for a second.

Jaune: Never thought I'd see a gorilla in a sports coat.

Toad: I feel under dressed.

Toadette: Even though you're wearing pants and he's not.

They then hear an engine rev up and see a custom make yellow and green cart with a big bucket in the back. The blonde gorilla then puts on sunglasses to make himself look cooler.

 The blonde gorilla then puts on sunglasses to make himself look cooler

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BG: Hop in.

The heroes climb into the kart, with Jaune making whip constructs to help Toad and Toadette up. Before they could buckle up, not that there were any seatbelts in BG's kart, he floors it and begins driving through the kingdom recklessly, driving past wooden huts and stores selling fruit. Jaune got a good view of the kingdom with it all being above water.

 Jaune got a good view of the kingdom with it all being above water

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