Meet the Regime and Insurgents

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It's a dark and cloudy night in the middle of Gotham City when on the middle of the rooftop a flash of lighting strikes and appears Jaune and the team standing up and looking at their surroundings.

BB: I never thought I'd be back here again.

Dick: I never thought I'd be back here alive again thanks to my time as deadman.

Gretchen: Where are we?

Dick: We're in Gotham but something's different, I've never seen it so... clean before.

BB: I guess with less crime there's also less littering.

Summer: I think we better start looking around, see if we can't find them.

Jaune: I already did.

They look down from the roof and see Wonder Woman and Green Arrow struggling to fight Sinestro as he creeps blasting them from a distance.

Gretchen: I'm guessing those two are from the other universe like Zeus said.

Dick: And that is definitely Sinestro.

Summer: Looks like they need some help.

Jaune: You're right on that one, alright team, let's show the Regime what true heroes can do.

They head down to help the heroes in battle. Green Arrow just got flicked to a wall be a giant yellow hand and Sinestro conjures an axe to make the finishing blow.

Sinestro: I'll be happy to see Green Arrow die again!

Sinestro throws the axe at Arrow but before Lantern can save him, Gretchen catches the axe and absorbed the yellow energy and fired it back at Sinestro twice as powerful hitting him hard sending him back, but just before he could recover he is sent flying down to the ground making a crater by Jaune in the air with a sledge hammer construct made of his own aura, the team heads to the crater and see he's unconscious.

Green Lantern: Looks like I wasn't needed.

They turn around and see GL floating net to him.

Dick: You could've handled him without us.

GL: Maybe, let's go check up on the others.

Jaune and GL went to check on Wonder Woman and the others on Green Arrow.

GL: you okay?

When Wonder Woman looks up she's shocked by what she sees behind them.

WW: Hal!

They look to see another Hal Jordan but instead he's a Yellow Lantern floating down to them ready to fight.

They look to see another Hal Jordan but instead he's a Yellow Lantern floating down to them ready to fight

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Yellow Lantern: Someone call me?

GL: You're Sinestro Corps?!

YL: Sinestro was right, fear is more affective than willpower.

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