Battle on Stryker's Island

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Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Slade make it to a control room the Regime use for the communicator. They head to them and start working on their part of the plan.

Cyborg: Communications should be over there. Reroute them like we talked and I'll get the teleporter access codes. After you're done, make sure you-

Slade: This isn't my first drop kid. I know the plan.

Beast Boy: Look guys, let's just work together and and get the job done okay?

Cyborg: Alright.

Slade: ...look, whatever history we have with our counterparts, you and I have none.

Beast Boy: But you and I do.

Slade: I only tried to kill you a few times.

Beast Boy: And in one of those times you played with a woman's heart.

Slade: Look Logan, I didn't mean for Terra to mess with your heart like that. And I sure as hell never wanted to mess her's up either.

Cyborg: The Terra thing happened here to?

Beast Boy: It was a year before the Metropolis Explosion, let's just get this over with.

They all kept working on the computers until both Cyborg and Beast Boy were done and heading out.

Cyborg: Meet us at the teleporter in fifteen.

Cyborg goes to the teleporter controls and starts to work on to while Beast Boy disguise himself as a Chameleon hand blending in his surroundings. But then the teleporter started up and a light was forming on it.

Cyborg: oh Not now...

Beast Boy: Oh shit.

The light revealed itself to be Catwoman in a more cat like suit. She starts to walk away before greeting cyborg.

Catwoman: Hey victor.

Cyborg: Hey.

Catwoman stops at her tracks and looks at Cyborg, realizing something was up. Beast Boy noticed this and was starting to get a little worried. Catwoman steps a by closer to him and talks.

Catwoman: You sick or something?

Cyborg: Uh... no... fine.

Beast Boy facepalms at the terrible acting Cyborg is doing.

Catwoman: We still on for tonight?

Cyborg: Sorry, gotta cancel, new orders.

Catwoman turns Cyborg and tries to seduce him.

Catwoman: Since when has that stopped you.

Cyborg: Yeah.. we had some.. wild times...

Catwoman: No we haven't.

Beast Boy: Well here's a Wild Time for ya!

Catwoman turns to see a green tiger jump in the air and land on top of her and turn back into Beast Boy growling at her.

Catwoman turns to see a green tiger jump in the air and land on top of her and turn back into Beast Boy growling at her

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