No. 5

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Being with someone? What is it based on? Is it that hard to be in a relationship today? And what does it mean nowadays? These are some of the most common thoughts of young people. Nowadays, no one knows its real meaning anymore. We can kiss someone, whether it lasts for a longer period of time or just for one night. This is precisely why many girls are called whores, and boys are called seducers. Somehow the world has become such a twisted place that it is no longer safe for anyone. It's just that everyone thinks it's easier for someone because they're beautiful, others think it's a curse because they attract fools, and someone else will say that their life is perfect, they have everything, but no one knows the background of those stories.Why does every girl have to be perfect, why does she have to respect standards? It's not easy being a woman, especially when it comes to relationships. If, for example, she has never had a boyfriend, then she is incapable of conquering someone, and if she has been with more than one, then she is a whore. If she has lost her virginity then she is easy and anyone can have her, and if she is saving herself for someone then she is a loser. Also, it is not easy to be a man. If he dresses a little differently, then he's a fag, and if he dresses in tracksuits and looks like a bum, then that's normal and then he's a guy. Why does the world have to alienate everyone who wants to be virtuous and different? I may not know much about it, but I find it all very stupid. Because if someone has a scar on their face, maybe they saved people from a fire or got sick from some disease that causes these changes, or if a woman has a lot of tattoos, people usually think that she is in some sect, but she can be an excellent doctor, so that I wouldn't be in debt, now everyone is judging everything without knowing the background of that particular person. I've been through relationships and breakups and so far none have been good enough to say I found the right one. I was also in the combination, for one evening. And then I felt like I had done something very wrong. I really felt terrible and when I think back I can still feel the fear I experienced that night. And all this happened on my friend's birthday in a summer house. It was with one character who was drunk. He pretended to be unwell and someone from the side suggested that someone take him to sober up, and he understood that they told me and he grabbed my hand and that's how we left the cottage. It was dark outside and there was only forest around. I was overwhelmed by dark thoughts about what could happen. He stopped, hugged me and rested his head on my shoulder. It was like that for a few moments, and then he tried to kiss me. I refused him, and he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer to him. I'm already getting uncomfortable. His hands moved lower and lower from my waist to my backside, and in a moment of weakness and mild shock he kissed me. I could hardly separate from him, whereupon he pulled me aside with one hand and we continued down the road, into the growing darkness, and I was getting more and more afraid. I felt my legs shaking and it was getting harder as we went deeper into the darkness.He led the whole way and we stopped at a house in the dark, whereupon he started kissing me again, grabbing my back, and when I broke away and thought that I would finally leave, he pulled me to him again, and he held me like that for a few moments. I felt powerless because he was much stronger than me and I couldn't get out of his hands. He started walking slowly towards my top and wanted to put his hand in, but at that moment I turned around and slapped him and started running back towards the cottage. I was very afraid. Tears ran down my cheeks when I thought that I could have been raped there in the dark in the middle of the forest where there is no one. I was so scared. When I finally got back to the cottage I found solace in my friend who had been drinking nothing all day. When she appeared, I felt uneasy again and started shaking. And now as I write this I can again feel his touches on my body. I wasn't comfortable at all, as soon as he saw me crying like that, he asked what happened, to which I just looked at him and went to my room to tidy up and pack the things I had brought. Afterwards, a friend looked after me and comforted me so that I would calm down. I also told him everything, which made him furious, but I didn't let him do anything because there were still a lot of people there, and it wouldn't be very nice if a fight broke out. All in all it's over now but it should be a lesson to all girls now. As soon as you feel uncomfortable in male company, find an excuse and run as far away from him as possible, because who knows what can happen.

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