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Nobody is perfect, and nobody will be perfect, but why don't people realize that? Isn't the point of life to learn from the mistakes we make? How many young people will die because of the pressure on them? Why is everyone trying to find a hair in everyone's egg? Everyone has flaws, and there are just as many virtues, and it is not the point for someone to come and start pointing out other people's flaws, where is the humanity. Everyone is under some pressure, be it positive or negative. Most often, children who are still in school feel pressure from their parents that they are not good enough, or that someone could get the highest grade and they didn't, and they will never be satisfied with their child's success. And why will parents never be satisfied when their child does something good? What are they doing wrong because they didn't do it right away when you said it? Is it normal, if you say I will do it later, I will do it, maybe not at the moment they said, but I will do it. And they should be satisfied with that, they should praise us and say, for example, "Well done, good job, congratulations", and not criticize us. On the other hand, there is society, which constantly pushes for some changes, and will judge if we don't want to try something they do, e.g. smoking cigars, drugs, alcohol... Why do we all have to be like them? If we are not going to do something, it does not mean that we are weak, but that we know what is right and what is wrong. Everyone wants to be cool and look good in front of their friends, but inside they are fighting to distinguish what is good and what is not. Why do we all try to be molded, and why do we avoid being who we really are? The only answer to that is that we just want to be a part of society, not to feel rejected. We only look at how to please others, and let our mental health suffer. Many of them have fallen into depression because they are not involved in society. How many children will get black thoughts because they are not accepted. And then we wonder why we feel depressed and anxious. Exactly because of that. I was the first to go through various forms of rejection and estrangement from society, disrespect and gossip, an object of expectation and envy. As soon as I started to stand out a little, I felt so much condemnation from society, rejection, and therefore high expectations from professors. Everyone expects something, and as soon as a small glitch happens, they immediately attack me. How did it happen, why didn't you do it better, why so poorly, or they just look at me with great disappointment.
They think it has to be the highest score every time, it doesn't have to be, but when it happens they immediately start gossiping and judging. My professors are not so understanding about it because everything can't be the best all the time. As soon as I finished the 1st year with the best average, abnormal expectations and envy immediately started. From my first award for the best student, through many certificates of appreciation, diplomas, the Svetosava award in the third year, people began to expect all kinds of things and put enormous pressure on me. On one side is the school, and on the other is the coach and my teammates, who constantly expect that the game will be at the level. No one ever questioned whether I could do it all, they didn't care. They just look at the smallest situation that doesn't suit them, fight and look for some mistakes, ignoring what happened before. Is this some kind of their justice that they keep saying to implement. Is it fair that someone who hasn't come to training for a month plays in the first lineup. Is that normal for them? They say that everyone cheats on merit, but that is just a big lie, with which they are only deceiving themselves! Why do they do it, the answer is simple because of the money! Is it all about money now, where are the moral values, where is the justice that they keep talking about. It is not there, and it never was. Everyone was fed up with their behavior and subterfuge. Have we gotten to the point where every female player feels so undervalued for no reason. And that's why my opinion about people has changed a lot. I stopped caring the moment I realized what kind of people they are and how many rude ones are left.

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