No. 2

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Jealousy, prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination, human judgment in general, why all that? Why do we have the need to hurt other people? What does it lead to? Some pleasure, why? People have always been like that. They looked for the weaker ones in order to make them feel better, but still they always felt a void in their lives. Just as anyone can be discriminated against, so anyone can be a discriminator. We are led to premature judgment of someone, without taking a better look at the reality. Each of us has gone through it at least once. They would constantly find ways to ridicule, humiliate, trying to elevate themselves. How long do we remain silent, so that one day it all comes to an end? When they finally realized how much they hurt and insulted us, they asked themselves what they did wrong. Until then, they did not take the situation seriously and thought that it was just a harmless joke, and that no one would take it seriously. It was too late when they realized their mistakes. Those children who were made to feel worthless, inferior to others have now stood up and fought for themselves, they have built self-confidence and their own opinion. They came out of it as different people, realizing that they are valuable and that no one will humiliate them anymore.

Until now, I have witnessed many discriminations, starting with the fact that I was the first victim of it, but I fought it bravely, and came out of it as a completely different person. Although I was always in the shadow of my successful relatives, who went to competitions and won prizes, I was an average, ordinary student who did not want to stand out. Over time, that mediocrity turned into above average, when I started competing and excelling in high school. By the very act of going to the Republic Competition with an injured leg and crutches, I showed how strong I really am and how ready I am to fight. Without any preparation and with very strong competition from schools that had been preparing for it for months, I won the incredible 1st place. Everyone thought that I would finish last and that I would get depressed, but I didn't. I showed my knowledge and defeated prejudices. I also proved that the impossible can become possible by building a spaghetti bridge that carried 122.6 kg. They hindered us in that intention, but my team and I did not give up. They said it was impossible and that spaghetti could not be strong enough to carry such a load, but they were wrong. They condemned something without grounds, without knowing what they were talking about. They are just jealous because they didn't get those results. Another example is when I gave a presentation on Russian architecture and many thought that it would be a failure and that when I gave it, no one would listen, but I was convinced of that when I saw with how much attention and respect everyone listened to me. Although the school amphitheater is not very big, it was still packed. Children and professors were standing on the sides, some were sitting, but the biggest surprise was that everyone who was there showed great respect for me and the presentation itself. And one very nice act was when I got a huge applause from everyone who was present there. Those who were against the presentation saw how much effort I had put in and how much courage it took to hold something like that in front of the whole school. My courage was extraordinary and those who said it would be a failure were the first to come forward to congratulate me. We come out of every bad situation as winners, because we know we did something good and because they consider us a threat. Everyone should remember that there will always be those who hate us, but that is an indication that we are good at something and that should only be motivation for further work and even greater development.

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