Chapter 8

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I was never one for profanity. Even as I fought in the Battle of Troy, I did so with a clean mouth and a dirtied spear. I was always the delicate sort, one who kept quiet and gentle. But today? Today was not a day for quiet and gentle.
It had been three days since Achilles knocked on my door and when I had awakened from my slumber and felt the same slimy sensation between my legs, the only thing I thought to do was shout "OH FUCK" at the top of my lungs. 
I rapidly changed out of my dirtied tunic and began to clean it aggressively. I needed to weigh my options. It was either I go to Achilles' home and become completely unable to speak as a large erection emerges between my legs OR, I wait for Achilles to come to my domain and have a similar outcome occur. I went with the more craven option and stayed at home. Upon cleaning my tunic, I anxiously waited, sitting on my bed. What would I say? What would I do? What would HE say? Before I knew it I heard a loud slamming sound. I got up to see that Achilles had quite literally kicked down my door. I stared at it in shock.
He stormed towards me and pushed me back down on the bed before eyeing my body up and down. I gulped. Turn off your thoughts Patroclus. Clear your head.
My efforts did not work. Achilles' gaze softened as he noticed the visible shock on my face.
"Are you okay?" he said softly while twirling a little piece of my brown hair and looping it behind my ear.
"Why did you not come home?"
His omission of the word "my" before "home" made my heart skip a beat. It was his cottage, not ours.
"I am still unwell, Achilles." His face hardened.
"Tell me why."
"I cannot."
"Tell me why."
"Achilles, I cannot."
He raised his hand. I winced in preparation for a slap-- it looked as though he was about to harm me and it took every fiber of my being to prevent myself from crying. Achilles would never hurt me. And that remained true. His raised arm quickly ducked below to carress and tickle my feet. "Tickle" was the word we had decided on, it seemed most fitting. I laughed uncontrollably and I grabbed onto his arms for stability. He lied almost completely on top of me at this point; he was in what seemed to be the most uncomfortable plank position with one hand pinning my arms to the mattress and the other tickling my toes.
"Tell me, Patroclus, I will not stop until you do."
"Then I shall laugh until my ribs pierce through my skin and I cease to exist."
"Patroclus, need I remind you, you cannot die again, you are already in the Elysian Fields, so we could do this for eternity or at least until one of us wears down our patience and I can assure you, that will not be me. Tell me." I bit my lip. I supposed that perhaps there really was no harm in telling him and that he would likely understand my plight.
"I will tell you Achilles, but in order to do that, I need you to stop!" He stopped and sat up beside me. "As I have made very painfully aware to you, you and I were lovers when we were alive."
"We did everything together. We grew up together. We went to war together. And we also engaged in sexual encounters numerous times."
"I find myself....missing that regard."
"I have become so overwhelmed with desire that I feared that if I saw you, I would not be able to control myself."
"I could have...helped you."
"Oh no, Achilles! I could not do that to you. You were coerced into having sex with Deidameia by your mother. I could not do that to you. I could not make you bed me, push you out of pity or obligation."
"Patroclus, surely, you must know by now."
"Know what?"
"You speak of Achilles as someone who makes you crumble and burn and fly all at once. You do not burn alone."
" not?"
"Of course not! Why am I here, Patroclus? As a concerned citizen? A comrade? No! I do not know if it is due to my preferences in my time as a mortal being or not but you have more than charmed me. Perhaps I do not love you the way you me, but I...I can see myself getting there. This is a step I am willing to take if you will let me. Please allow me to bed you, Patroclus." His words brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. I silently nodded.
"I can see you need tending to anyway, you cannot endure this alone," he said with a smirk before skillfully using his nimble fingers to roll my eyes into my head and drive me mad with pleasure.

In Paradisum -- Patrochilles   THE SONG OF ACHILLESWhere stories live. Discover now