Chapter 4

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"Yes, Patroclus?"
"Is he here?"
"Who is it that you speak of?"
"A boy whose name has withered and faded from my memory. All I have of him is the picture of his blood streaming into soil and his horrified, betrayed expression when I pushed him."
"Ah him. He did not make it here."
"Patroclus, you know very well that making it to the Elysian Fields is not about moral compass or whether one has not committed any sort of sin or crime. It is a game of glory. Only those who led lives of magnificence, lives worthy of literature and story can come here. That boy was, well, a boy. He did not live a life worthy of literature, a life worthy of the Elysian Fields."
"He could have. A life worthy of literature," I sighed. "I robbed it from him."
"Mm...I say he had it coming." Madeline said with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. "But Patroclus, forget not that you killed the son of Zeus at the Battle of Troy. Honorable indeed."
"The most honorable deeds I committed was saving the poor women who were being auctioned off like sex toys and chattel. Second, when I clumsily attempted to heal the battle worn soldiers."
"But those were not the deeds that got you here," Madeline said with a bittersweet smile.
"I know. I suppose in lore, all I will be known as is the one who slayed the son of Zeus. The one hit wonder who stuck around Achilles all the time for some reason."
"That reason being love ✨"
"Love..." I said with a frown. "Will I ever regain that love again? Our relationship was one built upon years and years."
"Luckily, you've got about eternity here," she said with a smile.
"I suppose you are right."
"Of course I am."
"I wonder why that is."
"I wouldn't reveal my secrets, Patroclus. Now go get your man."
"My 'man'. What a crude yet appealing way to put it. In fact, I will go get my man, Madeline."
"Good day, Patroclus."

In Paradisum -- Patrochilles   THE SONG OF ACHILLESWhere stories live. Discover now