Summer Breeze

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Lizzy tilted her head back and filled her lungs with fresh air as rays of sunlight kissed her protected cheeks through the branches of the trees of the forest and a sweet summer breeze caressed her skin. She stood, barefoot, on a large flat rock, as she listened to the sound of running water before her.

It was the first day of summer. It wasn't too terribly hot, but they had been hiking for hours. He had woken her up before daylight, just as planned, his car packed and ready to go. He was home from tour and she had come to visit him and he insisted they spend some quality time alone together. And when he said 'alone,' he meant it. She had packed lunches for them the night before that he stored into a cooler backpack that he carried on his back. It wasn't anything too fancy, some breaded chicken cutlets (that were a favorite of his), grapes, apples along with sunflower seeds and almonds to snack on and fuel their journey, along with some water bottles and a bottle of wine to share. Beyond that they didn't have a plan, just to get lost together and in each other.

Alone with her twin flame.

They had parked his car in what he deemed a safe spot and ventured into the forest together. She wasn't sure where they were going, but from the way he was heading it seemed he had been there before, so she followed him faithfully, hiking her smaller pack up on her shoulders. She could've carried more, but he insisted on carrying the heavier load. It was a wonder he had let her carry anything at all. She stayed close to him, watching as his low ponytail spilled over his pack like an inky waterfall from beneath his green military cap. The muscles of his strong arms flexed as he gripped the straps of the cooler pack, trudging off-grid into the forest. Occasionally he'd stop and he'd turn around to check on her and take a break. The fabric of his green ribbed muscle shirt stuck to the flesh of his skin, accentuating his powerful muscles. Lizzy would force herself not to ogle him. It didn't seem to matter how long they had been together, she couldn't help but be in awe of him, and for some reason he adored her.

She opened her eyes as she looked out into the stream. Carefully, she stepped forward off the rock, which was slippery, and into the cold water. She let out a soft gasp as her toes met the coolness of the water, but fully sunk her feet inside onto the pebbles beneath. She glanced around her. There was nothing but trees surrounding them, and through the branches rays of light shone, almost like a sign from the heavens. She glanced back over the shoulder to see Peter hunched on the ground as he laid out a blanket that had been in her pack, her discarded hiking boots a mere few feet away She bit her lip as her fingers brushed over her mint green tank top. It was sticking to her skin and she wanted to cool off. Still, she couldn't help but feel shy. Her seafoam eyes glanced around one last time before she shrugged to herself. She grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled it up, over her head. She felt her ponytail flop back between her shoulder blades and she tossed her discarded top behind her. She bent down and filled her palms with cool water, cupping the water, before splashing it behind her shoulders before she brushed her cool, wet palms over her cleavage as she closed her eyes and sighed when suddenly she was interrupted by a wolf whistle. Lizzy opened an eye and saw Peter now laying on his side on the blanket, his shirt off and barefoot, as he watched her with a smirk, his head propped up in one of his hands.

She felt her cheeks begin to burn in embarrassment before she rolled her eyes, "What are you doing, Peter?"

"Nothin'," He responded with a smirk, "Just enjoyin' the show."

Lizzy frowned as she began to cover herself the best she could with her arms.

"Hey, don't do that," Peter raised his head and patted the blanket next to him, "C'mere."

Lizzy bit her lip before she fully turned and stepped out of the water slowly, raising her arms out to the side to balance herself on the slippery rock. She stepped toward Peter whose smirk spread into a grin as she came closer to him. He sat up as she knelt down on the blanket and he reached and caressed his fingers along the back of her neck and met her with a tender kiss. She let out a hum as she kissed him again and his arm snaked around her waist and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him. She broke their kiss and leaned her forehead against his and her seafoam eyes met his jade gaze.

Burnt Flowers Fallen - Peter Steele (one-shot and short story collection)Where stories live. Discover now