Chapter 6

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The airport is very busy because it's a holiday weekend, but the VIP lounge where Phayu and Rain are waiting for their flight to be called is almost empty. Phayu is sitting quietly at a table, a drink in hand. He hasn't taken more than a couple of sips because he has been enjoying watching Rain run to the window every time a plane takes off.

The little omega is almost beside himself with excitement. He doesn't know where they are going but he has been looking forward to this trip for weeks.

Saifah had called this their delayed honeymoon trip and the name has been adopted by the entire clan. Phayu supposes it's apt. It's the first trip they will be going on as a married couple, just a few months late.

"It's almost time," Phayu tells Rain. "Grab your carry-on bag and make sure you don't forget anything."

"Where are we going, P'Phayu?" Rain asks for the twentieth time that day.

"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise," Phayu gives him the same answer every time.

Rain decides to try a different tactic, "how long is the flight?"

Phayu knows he is fishing for hints but doesn't think this one will hurt. "Around an hour."

"Oh that's close." Rain says. Before he can ask anything else their flight number is called. They are escorted to the first class section on the plane where their pair of seats are enclosed by a privacy barrier.

Phayu sits down then practically pulls Rain down into his lap making the omega squeal. Phayu chuckles, he adjusts Rain to sit beside him and fastens Rain's seat belt before buckling his own.

Rain spends most of the flight trying to guess all the places within an hour's flight of Bangkok, but Phayu refuses to confirm or deny any of his guesses.

They are met at the airport by a car that takes them to a ferry. Rain gasps when he sees the name on the ferry, Koh Chang.

"Really?" Rain asks, "I always wanted to come back here."

Phayu knows that. Pai's family and Rain had come here for a trip when the omega had been very young and according to Pai, Rain had never forgotten the island. He always talked about wanting to go back.

Phayu has booked a penthouse in one of the most luxurious hotels on the island. They are shown to their room by a concierge and her assistant who handles their bags. She leaves them her number in case they want help in booking any of the amenities the hotel or island offers. Rain is busing trying to look at everything in the room at once. "Come look at the view from the balcony," Phayu tells him.

Rain does and his breath catches in pleasure at the view. From their balcony they have a view of the shoreline of the beach and beyond that the ocean seems to stretch on for miles. Phayu had chosen this particular room for the view alone. It was a very sought after room, Phayu had to pull a few business strings just to reserve it.

Phayu comes up behind Rain and wraps his arms around Rain's waist, "Like it?" He whispers in Rain's ear.

Rain nods, "I love it."

"Are you hungry, do you want to get something to eat, or perhaps you want to take a nap after the trip?" Phayu asks. Rain shakes his head and looks down shyly. Phayu nuzzles his neck where he knows Rain is most sensitive and says, "Should I run us a bath?"

"Together?" Rain asks.

"Yes silly boy, together." Phayu unwraps himself from around Rain and goes to fill the large tub in the corner of the room.

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