Chapter 3

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The morning of his wedding, Rain is greeted by 5 texts from the members of the Wynd clan that all boil down to the same message. "Su su na, keep fighting Rain." Rain smiles at these. He is a little sad his family can't be here with him today but P'Pai and his parents are busy with P'Pai and Sky's wedding in a couple days and P'Plerng and N'Phan are settling down with their new clans.

Rain is too nervous to eat breakfast, he only manages a small piece of fruit and a cup of juice. Then the servants come to help him dress and soon Rain is carried to a small, old fashioned church on the manor property. Besides P'Phayu's family there are a few business associates and family friends.

P'Fah is standing with P'Phayu but Rain has no family or friends to stand with him. Again that small sadness hits Rain but he just gives the guests his best smile and moves down the aisle to where P'Phayu stands.

"What's wrong?" P'Phayu asks.

Oh, he can probably smell Rain's distress. Rain just shakes his head. "Just nervous," he lies.

P'Phayu just nods at this. "It will be over soon." He motions for the officiant to begin.

Rain gives all the right replies at the right times, he has been practicing for this for days. He is determined to keep his vow of being the best omega possible. He stands still for the scenting ceremony and leans into P'Phayu for the mock marking as they have practiced. The true marking would come when they consummated their marriage, this was just to symbolize their bond.

"What bond?" Rain thinks, then shakes himself, it isn't like him to be so melancholy. He only wishes that he were getting married to someone who loves him. Rain thinks back to the night P'Phayu had given him the betrothal collar. That night everything had felt real and Rain had been happy. The alpha hasn't spent time with him since, he has been busy with work. Now Rain feels as if he is very much alone, not just without friends or family, but alone in his marriage as well.

Phayu frowns at Rain sitting alone at their table while Phayu has been pulled away to talk to a business associate. He has felt like there was something off with the omega all day. There is just something about his scent that feels, well, depressed.

He decides to ask Saifah if he knows since Rain claims there is nothing wrong. Saifah's answer leaves him stunned, "Don't you think Rain is lonely, Yu?"

Phayu wants to smack himself on his forehead. Of course Rain is lonely. Phayu has gotten used to Sky's ways of wanting solitude, but Rain isn't Sky. Rain is used to having Prapai and his siblings around. Except for Phayu and Saifah there is no one even close to Rain's age at Storm manor. Phayu is busy with his duties as alpha and Saifah works and has a girlfriend. Phayu could hire someone but that probably wouldn't be the same to Rain. You can't actually pay someone to be a friend. He messages Prapai for ideas.

After the guests have left, P'Phayu tells Rain to go to bed, he has some work to finish up. Rain frowns, this is their wedding night and P'Phayu is still working. He knows that the alpha told him that they would get to know each other and that he wouldn't pressure Rain, but how can he get to know him if he does nothing but work all the time? Rain feels like it sets a bad precedent for their future together.

Phayu sighs, he hadn't intended to work on their wedding night but something had come up at the last minute. He knows he needs to set some time aside for Rain but he has had solo duty as the alpha for so long he doesn't know how to do that. It just seems like there is always so much to be done.

He is surprised when he leaves his office that Rain is sleeping in the outer office, curled up on an uncomfortable looking leather loveseat and shivering from the cold air conditioning. P'Aon and P'Nui give him unfriendly looks and Phayu knows that this will be all over the manor by morning. Phayu picks Rain up and carries him to bed, promising himself he will do better.

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