Chapter 5

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Phayu frowns as Rain bursts into tears and runs from the room. He had thought Rain would be happy that Natsu, Phayu's new assistant, would be arriving tomorrow. It had been five weeks since the wedding and having an assistant would mean Phayu would finally have time to devote to Rain.

The past month had been busier than ever, Phayu had even had to cancel two of their date nights because of last minute emergencies in the pack.

This morning at breakfast he had told his family about the beta's arrival.

"You're getting an assistant?" Rain had asked.

Phayu realized it had slipped his mind to mention it, "The clan has grown too big for me to handle on my own," Phayu had admitted. "An assistant will give me more free time."

"Oh," Rain had said noncommittally.

"It's just business, nothing for you to worry about." Phayu had meant the words to be comforting but Rain had gone pale, that's when the young omega had become emotional and fled the room.

Phayu's mother tuts at her son and follows behind Rain.

"Did I say something wrong?" Phayu asks Saifah.

"Rain has been very on edge for the past month." Saifah says with a shrug.

Phayu frowns and looks in the direction his mother and Rain had gone. He has been so busy that he hadn't noticed Rain has been struggling. He keeps promising himself to do better, but time gets away from him. He decides to go check on Rain.

Phayu has just reached their room when he hears the words that stop him in his tracks.

"Preheat." His mom is saying.

"Mama, It's too early, I am never early." Rain replies.

"I'll call the doctor in to double check, but I'm pretty sure. You are burning up and your emotions have been all over the place for the last day. I read up a little when Phayu told us he was to be married and stress can bring on early heat. You have been very anxious for the past month. Do you want to tell mama what's wrong, I am here to listen." Phayu can imagine his mother taking Rain in her arms and rubbing his back as she did with him and Saifah as children when they were upset.

"Oh, mama, I don't know what to do." Rain sobs, then says in a rush, "Phayu doesn't want to be married to me, and I'm worried that the Arch clan will annul the marriage, and I will have to marry someone else, and I love Phayu even if he never has time for me. Why doesn't he want me? Am I a bad omega?"

"Shhh," his mom says, "you are a wonderful, beautiful omega and my son is a bit of an idiot. He just thinks he has to do all the work around here himself. I promise it will get better even if I have to knock some sense into Phayu."

Phayu can't disagree that he has been an idiot. He wants to go comfort Rain but he honestly doesn't know how. He feels helpless in the wave of Rain's sadness and insecurities. He doesn't know how Rain found out about the Arch clan's ability to annul the marriage, but apparently he has known for a while.

He calls the doctor to check on Rain then goes to see Saifah.

"Fah, I need your help with something. After Natsu arrives and gets settled can you and the others  handle the clan for a couple weeks."  Phayu says.

Saifah stares at his brother, "of course, I have been telling you for ages that I am always willing to help. Why now?"

"I want to take Rain on a trip after my rut is over." Phayu says.

After securing Saifah's promise that the clan won't self-destruct if Phayu is away for a couple weeks he contacts Pai to see if he knows anywhere Rain has dreamed of going that he can surprise the omega with.

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