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"Stab the doll."

Everyone was trying to teach the new child killer how to kill, and scene no survivor was nearby, a doll was all they could do help to you. The bad part? The doll was being shown mercy. No killing. No stabbing action. Purely nothing here.

Oni grunts, seeing the child grow tired out of boredom, and picks the small bean up. Returning the knife that belonged to Michael Myers. Clearly, this will take a longer time before progress can be seen. From there Oni sat back down at the campfire. The once bored child now reaches out to mess with his whispy white ghostly hair, eager to braid the mess that makes him ten times more terrifying and intimidating. He did nothing but let the child do as they wished. Gentle and quiet he was.

Not long the killer from the previous trial returns. This one has not meet the child yet at all.He simply had time to do that now, before he is taken for trail once again.

The Legion were a odd bunch. So odd however gets the job done.

"Their kinda weak looking." Susie agrees with Judie soon piping in too "Very cute too!"

"Any idea what this squirt will do? Did they even get any additional abilities like we all did?" The leader of Legion throws his many weapons at the doll, hitting it right in the eye socket "The survivors are trying to think up a plan to steal the kid. Most of them were searching for them while in trail too."

Everyone turn to look dead at him. Seems they were the last to know about the survivors plans on stealing the kid. Even the Demogorgon was aware.

"The kid won't even stab that stupid doll." The ex-pop star complains, arms cross at the results "That kid won't survive long as one of us. Like, what if they were picked and no one else is there? The kid will know pain."

The doll, stabbed in the eye by one of his fellow killers knifes, was picked up by the Nurse. Fixing it up she thought deeply of what to do now. Once the doll was patched up she decided to gift it to the kid. The only problem was that Oni, who allowed them to braided his whispy long hair, was on his feet. Frantically looking left to right for the small ball of sun shine.

No one payed attention to the child. Now they were once again picked, sent to god knows where.

Setting the toy aside, planning to fix the eye somehow, listens as choas erupted from behind her. Everyone realizing the child killer was sent to their first trail.


The black smoke felt different for you this time around. It didn't knock you out. It actually left you conscious, standing in a room full of toys. It was a child's room. Actually, this was your room.

"I'm home!" You didn't know if you should run towards your parents room or big brothers, you did a happy dance just by seeing your bed "I'm home--!"

Happy as you were to be back, excited to see your parents too, immediately scurried into the closet to hide from what lurks in the hallway. It wasn't mom. Not even dad. The thing was loud and didn't seem to calm down.It seemed to search the entire house none stop as if something important was hidden here.

Taking a minute you open the closet door slowly, peaking out a little, to only sqeek at finding yourself pinned down by a big creature. Sqeaking in surprise involved into endless giggling and playful shoving.

The creature in your home was no other than the Demogorgon. A giant alien puppy.

"Demo! Sit boy!"

Immediately it listens. Sitting like a good boy. If he had a dog tail, it would be going 100 mph right now.

Happy Demo listens did the child begin to venture towards their parents room first. The alien monster puppy follows the small child that was excitedly eager to hug their parents. As the door was in view, about to open the door, soon find themselves pulled back by their shirt callor. The voices that didn't seem familiar begins to rise in volume. These voices weren't family..

"Who in the fuck is the new killer now?" Jake, who found a gun by some miracle early on, opens each door with caution "Fucking hell. Nothing but creepy ass vibes here."

Demo shoved the small child into bathroom. Soon forced the child to hide behind the curtains, laying down in the tub. Once done he waites for the right opportunity to strike.

"At least you have a lethal weapon Jake. All I have is this crow bar." Dwight looks around the corner, finding nothing, soon facing Jake fully "Besides that, we haven't seen the kid for weeks now. I'm worried that they...you know.."

His gun lowers, the thought was also echoing in his head too. Those killers are ruthless bloodlust merciless bastards.

"I'll take front. Keep an eye out for anything behind me."

Dwight did as told. Now Jake was prepared to shoot. Anything that comes popping out. He was ready.


Soft purring indicates that Demo was listening. Not looking however.

The small bean crawled out of the tub. In their arms was a odd looking toy. A wispy polar bear with purple bead eyes. It looks very old and ragged. Like if it went through various wars of sorts.

The bear gave off an aura of safety. Way better then Demo himself. Something about it made the small child carry it out, set it in the open door way of the bathroom, then pat it's head as well pet it.

"Your name will be Wispy." The soft pats never stop, Demo confused why you came out of hiding, not long kiss its head whispering something to it.

Demo pulled you to the tub once again, just to keep you safe, only to pause. A shadow of something massive cover the two of you. Before he could look it was gone. He finds the bear was completely gone.

"Admit it. That kid is dead." David was fixing a generator at this time with Yui beside him, fixing it while keeping guard "Like, R.I.P dead."

Yui believes that you weren't killed off. Just kept alive for entertainment maybe? She believed you were still kicking.

"Oh come on Yui!Don't leave m--!"

"Are you here to hurt my family?"

Yui jumps up, Jake unsure to continue or not, turn in time to find a small polar bear teddy on the ground. Flopped over onto its side.


They each look around, unsure if this is a prank, soon Yui picks up the bear. Cleaning off the dirt and mud.

"This doll is kinda ugly Ja-AAAHH!"

The women was suffering from her own arm being turned off. Blood spurring everywhere. The bear had no mouth yet the damage was caused by a mere paw tap. A simple paw tap led to Yui without an arm.

"I don't like you Yui. You may die now."

"Fucking hell are yo--??!!"

The bear shifted into this horrendous monster. It's sharpe teeth drooling pink saliva. It was alive. And it was killing off Yui for calling it ugly. Jake finished the generator to which was horrified by the thing eating her whole. Nawing on her deceased body before tearing into it more. Blood of Yui coating its face.

His blood turns cold when he meets eye to eye with it. The head of Yui in their mouth.

"W-What the fuck are you??!"

"Wispy." It tossed the corpse aside, liking its fur, to which leaves Jake in shock at how big its claws were "You should run. I'll even give you two minutes to find."

He didn't have to waste a second. He got up and ran for his life. Only it was short lived as his throat was slit open. Life draining from his face. He even tried to crawl his way out of here.

"Did I say two minutes? My bad, I ment two seconds. Goodbye."

Wispy cracks his skull with their foot. Brains and stuff everywhere now. Not long continues on to hunt down more survivors, doing as was told from its master; Protect them from bad people. The survivors.

Killers Kid [DBD X Child!Survivor!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now