Smoky Offer

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The moment your awake you find yourself in the lap of man known as Micheal Myers.He didn't do much but stare into the came fire, breathing in and out.

Averting your eyes your attention falls upon a very bright clothed super star killer.He was not doing much but lay down across from the fire and slept.Your not a fan but was eager to come close to the ex-pop star.He was very pretty looking.Was he perhaps a model before entering for the roll of a pop star?

Micheal noticed your now squirming form, he found out your a deep sleeper and barely move much when your dead asleep, let's the child go do as it please.

Now that your free you stand over the ex-pop star, very eager to mess with his hair and braid it...

"Come here little one!" Your little body was plucked from the ground, not a sound escapes you after, not long carried to just sit down on a tree trunk "Let's do a little check up okay?"

Turns out there was a doctor killer, and by seeing that, your immediately freaking out.Your fight or flight kicking into gear.

Your were never a fan of doctors...

"Doc the kid looks rather frightened of you?" The one who says that was a burn over baked pepperoni man, a gleam of sadistic idea comes in mind "Hold on I got an idea."

Freddy, the unmistakable veil rotten velvet marcroon, decides to 'experiment' on your fear.His idea of testing it was by having his long blood rusted blades close to your chibi confuse face....He didn't get what he wanted for the child began to have a giggle fit, touching and playing with his deadly gloved hand with five sharpe blades attached to it.

Taking this opportunity The Doctor began to examine the child.He saw no scraps, no blood, no bruise, nor fatal wounds.When he was done he gives the child who clings to Freddy's deadly weapon a (F/Flavor) lollipop.The child and Doctor were satisfied unlike Freddy who had his own idea of scaring the child backfire on him immediately.

Enjoying your lollipop pop, still playing with Freddy's gloved weapon of torture, your eyes wonder off to find curiosity on another person...A pale blue man with pins in his head.

It seems the moment you try to interact with that man your suddenly engulfed in black smoke again.Pouting at it you try to out run it, failing miserably for it only grew worse, then attempted to run into the arms of The Doctor who calls you to come right back to him and Freddy.The over done lasagna didn't say much for he watch as your entirely engulfed by the black smoke, not once been able to return back to The Doctor himself.

Sighing he looks over to the silent brooding giant, knowing damn well he saw everything "You think the kid is gonna get sacrificed this trail?"

Micheal didn't say much.He just sat there.Watching the orange to red flames dance carelessly.

The Doctor however notice something  that was also missing "It seems I may know who the killer of this trail may be." then pack up his things, heading to his lonesome shitty cabin.


You don't like the black smoke.It keeps on leaving you in places where you knew nothing about nor people involved here.Instead of being past out you were conscious the moment the black smoke left you alone, in another unknown area.Completely lost and confuse..

And for once your heart was calm, not loud once nor never.

Being a child you did what you were best at.Wander the area.Maybe on finding out where you are you will find a fimialer face perhaps?Hopefully so.

"Fucking devil!" A man shouts, very close actually in fact, begins to limp like run the opposite way before you by 20 feet "Bell loving son of a bitch!"

Cursing wasn't a big issue for your little ears.Your parents so happens to curse like bloody sea dog sailors daily around you, drunk or not.This was a normal thing for you to hear.

A bell sound was heard.Confuse by it you awe at the sudden reveal of the other man like figure.No such sound of foot steps or snap of a twig, the cloaked man was overly light on his feet, your heart thumping loudly as he stood mere few feet away from your freshly spawn form.He held a bell and a weapon that looks like a human skull and spine attached.He seemed to not notice the small child as he basically beats the man into a bloody ugly pulp of flesh and bones.He kept on going till the screams of agony died down to nothing but the brutal impact of shattered bones.The man was dead.When he was done did he turn to face the other overly loud heart beat, finding himself stun and unable to move for in his trail stood a child.

"Bad man hurt you?"

The Wraith was confuse on who the child was calling a 'bad man'.He presume he was being called such for it seems the child saw him brutally kill off this man without using his Mori...

The child drew closer, like real close by now two feet from each other, then point at the dead survivor "Did he hurt you?" this child thought Leon was the bad guy...huh.

The Wraith seems to have a good chance to interact with the child, so he nods.

A soft 'Oh okay.' comes out.Soon before the silence becomes too thick to cut the child spoke up again, now curious and eager to not be left alone out here "...Can I stay with you?I don't wanna be alone."

The man had to think twice before accepting the request, the child all smiles and all, soon was clinging onto his waist.The remains of his cloat covered the child's form from lurching eyes of other remaining survivors.It was already bad enough they know a child is involved.Being careful The Wraith hits his bell to disappear with the child in tow, an arm protectively holding them close as he went invisible in order to hunt others and not be seen.

Safe to say, no one ever noticed the child hidden in The Wraiths cloat.Not even when they fell asleep once again, his one arm holding the child close to his body, sacrificed all the remaining survivors of this trail...He was surprised how much a deep unbothered sleeper you were.

His last survivor, who he did indeed use his Mori on, was Feng Min.He did sacrificed her later to the hook, watch it take the girl away without mercy, but he was still there...

Once he found out why he held the child sleeping form close to him, hidden in his cloat from any sort of danger, not daring to let go.The child was next one he must sacrifice.He didn't want to do it, he wish not to loose the child's trust nor sacrifice them in order to leave entirely.He was entirely willing to walk all the way back to camp like Micheal Myers did for his last trail.

"You killers seem to grow mighty protective when a child is involved." The voice of the Entity hums, sounding amused but rather annoyed, continues on "Your supposed to be heartless killers.No mercy whatsoever. Even for a child you so try to protect."

The Entity was not one to speak to his pawns of torment.He was the most likely one to observe from afar.The Wraith did not wish to harm the sleeping child, he went against the wishes of the Entity entirely.He indeed was a killer yet he wasn't sick enough in the head to harm an innocent child.To stoop that low shows your more then likely scum then whatever is left for humanity within that person alone.

"Usually you are the many who obeys me." It tutts, now more likely thinking in another direction, an idea come to mind "...If you wish this child to not be a saricife, then how about I make them into a killer themselve?"

The Wraith did not wish for the child to kill people like he dose for a living, you should be enjoying your youth to the fullest, but he had to realize that offers like these are dead on rare from The Entity it self...

He accepts it.

You were no longer a survivor but now a new killer.

All because he wish to not sacrifice you to The Entity nor the hook..

A 'smile' was imagine by The Wraith as The Entity spoke once again "Glad you accepted my offer.Fair well." soon sending the two back to camp.

Killers Kid [DBD X Child!Survivor!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now