Noiseless Request

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Enjoy u guys!


To wake up in the arms of The Oni was unexpected.What else is unexpected is he was in fact carrying you around wherever he goes.

No one dared ask nor approach the man.

However he didn't even knew your awake till his grand-daughter appears, most likely from the trail, was slowly coming along but gasped at the sight of you.In all his life of knowing her he never seen her go from sloth mode to a running 'I am speed!' machine.So fast he didn't process that Rin held the  now awake giggling child.Once in a while doing some twirls and little flips in the air.

The Oni once again felt at peace by the sight...

At some point it had to end, for your body was being swarmed around by black smoke.It really didn't faze you but made you earger to touch it more then fear it.Both The Spirit and The Oni didn't see this coming so soon, and being consumed by it completely, your last moments with the two was squeal like crys and shouting.Now here you are spread out like a star fish, on the ground, no idea where the heck you are now.

"Holy shit!" Your vision of the dark sky was invaded by woman, her eyes widen in utter shock and sympathy "A-Are you okay?What's your name sweetie?"

The woman was pretty and seem kind to you.No answer was given however.

She tried again, softer and kinder like a mother would to a babe "Its okay I understand.My name however is Claudette, uuhh, do you perhaps know where you are right now?"


Claudette nods, now knowing you can talk somewhat, soon helping you up "It's okay sweetie but I know, just hold my hand and keep your head low okay?"

Your lost at what she meant by 'keep your head low' so all you did was hold her hand.Guess she took that as a yes so from there she drags you around from one hiding place to another.The thing is you don't understand what she is hiding from.Is it a game?Hide-&-Seek maybe?Possibly the epic version of Tag?Who knows.

Immediately a hand was placed over your mouth, Claudette pulling you down to hide behind a boulder, fear stricken and sweating in nervousness.You didn't feel that way at all.

All you hear however is the thundering sound of a heartbeat, slowly becoming louder each second that passed...

Could she hear it too?

Silence was then broken by a scream.

A man was screaming in pain and horror somewhere.Claudette pulls your little head to her chest, trying to make you feel at least safe but most likely she was terrified of the bringer of torture for this trail, not once dared give you a chance to peek out and look.

"See that house?" Claudette whispers, pointing at a house, getting into a position to run "When I tell you to run, I need you to run like the wind. I'll be right behind you."

Running wasn't your best nor favorite thing to do.Your very slow, possibly by chance, she may even be able to out run you.But if she wish you to run just to that house then so be it.

A moment passed, thundering heart beats still present, Claudette got ready to run as you did the same, her hand on your shoulder as she waites for another moment..


Run you did.

Again.Running is not your forté. It would of been better if you made it across the road faster if your lung didn't burn and throat going dry.At some point walking was an option.

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