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A few hours before Rayleigh arrived...

There was a bitter tension in the air, as three people sat on the shore. On the very shore, where their brother or son was once seen. On the very shore, awaiting for him to cause ruckus and hear the unrestrained laughter.

The silence was way too endearing.

Dragon who had been questioning his life decisions was beating himself from inside. He is the leader of the Revolutionary Army who needs to keep his head calm and cool at all times to make proper decisions. Make decisions which can cause death in a single second. but above all he was a father. Father to three wild and feral kids who loved to do the unexpected.

He should have thought it through when he had decided to leave Ace, Sabo and Luffy on their own to fight the war. He should have escaped with Ace the very moment he got the chance. But no, he wanted to make an example, show the world that The Revolutionary Army is on move. And they will not stop at the face of injustice. They will crush the World Government who decide to show their merciless cheery fangs.

That's the whole reason he was here. Waiting, praying, hell, even begging mentally for the sea to return his child to him. Normally Luffy would be back within an hour or two, but damn hell! It has already been two days! He will literally beg, if that's what the sea wants from him. He will beg for forgiveness. All for to see his son, to cradle in his arms once more.

Sabo sat with his eyes locked at the waters, trying to find, pin point his baby brother to no avail. All that he was getting successful in was to get his head pound madly. He can't comprehend anything, even if he was the brain out of the three. Luffy was hurt all because he let his guard down. He let himself relax all cause their Dad was there to protect them.

Of all things in the world, Sabo should know to never lower ones guard in a battle. That was the thing he had learned from the day he had stepped his foot out of the riches his former 'home' offered him. He has learned that keeping his eyes open never hurt. Not once when that ensured his brothers safety and his. But yet he had forgotten that in that war. How could he?

He really prays that Luffy gets back soon enough. He knows that he is being selfish. But he wants to be selfish just for his brother.

Ace was dealing no better. Having woken just an hour with a pain in his gut didn't help much. But that pain was nothing compares to the hollowness which he felt in his heart. It was empty. Empty as hell. His world had frozen, stopped on its axis, hearing the underlying terror in Sabo's words. Luffy, his baby brother, their little sunshine... He was gone. Gone to his mother, who looked unsure whether to trust her child to them again or not.

Ace wanted to cry, wanted to beg, wanted nothing more than his brother at his side. He would do anything to get back the bubbly little teen back with them. Hell he would happily die for him. But here he was, torn between what to do. Unsure of the situations, unsure of everything.

Things were slowly crashing to him. Slowly making him realize what he was and whose fault the damn war was. He was fucking realising things which he had swore to never ponder on before his brothers. But the pale hands, bloody bodies cling to him-

The gurgling of the water has Ace's breath stop. Three eyes all look with hope towards the waters which turns a shade dark at the place indicating a shadow of something.

A head is the first thing to peek through the salty ocean waters. No one dares to speak, heck no one dares to take a breath as baby doe brown eyes peek through the waters slowly to stare at them.

"LUFFY!" All hell breaks as two devil fruit users and one non devil fruit user barrels towards the unsure waters toward the raven haired boy who looks just ecstatic as the others.

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