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"Red Hair!" Marco approached Shanks, with Whitebeard wrapped in his wings and the other commanders on his back.

"Marco, withdraw your men, and don't retaliate," Shanks's voice held no child like humor like he always does when talking to an ally. His voice was calm and serious.

"I agreed to fight with Whitebeard, but Red Hair wasn't in agreement," Mihawk stated as he left the battlefield.

"Any further conflict will only increase casualties on both sides! But if anyone still wants to go. Bring it on! We'll be your opponents!!" Shanks said, while his crew stood beside him. "How about it Teach? No, Blackbeard!"

"Zehahaha! I didn't get what I came for but I'll find that. It's still too early to be fighting you guys!" Blackbeard said as he began moving out. He didn't and couldn't possibly fight Red Haired Shanks. Even with the remaining Whitebeard pirates he wasn't able to stand his grounds well. And then being trapped by Sengoku The Buddha and Garp The Hero, certainly doesn't help. It's wise choice to retreat right now with the wounds he has got. "Zehahaha! Let's go men!" .

"Whitebeard, we'll take care of his burials. The battle was broadcasted to the entire world. I won't allow anyone to desecrate their memories!" Shanks told looking straight to Sengoku, as if ordering him to say otherwise and face the consequence.

"What?! Taking his head will show the marines victory!!" Momonga yelled. He couldn't believe that Fleet Admiral was even considering Red Hair's words.

"Doesn't matter," Sengoku said.

"Fleet admiral?!"

"Since its you, Red hair... I'll take responsibility for it," Sengoku told and looked at the marines. Many were lying on the ground, groaning and moaning in pain. Many had died, those people could have been saved, if they would have pulled off the war when Ace was rescued. They not only lost men, the war technically, and Impel Down, but also lost Marineford. If only he would have seen this coming.

"Thanks," Shanks replied as he ordered his men to carry Whitebeard's body.

"Quickly, attend to the wounded." Sengoku ordered the marines. "The war is over."

Thus ended the greatest battle since the opening of the Great Pirate Age. The battle of Marineford was carved deeply into history.

At the stage for the battle at the summit, there are 7 ships on the waters of Marineford's bay. These men who will carry the new pirate age would not have missed this juncture in history for anything. They see the signs of war rising from Marineford as proof of the establishment of a new age. And they feel the age's frenzied flow upon their skin.

"The marines have succeeded in defeating Whitebeard," X-Drake spoke looking at the smoking Marineford.

"In a little while, Whitebeard's territories will become seas of blood," Capone Bege said through his cigar.

"Blackbeard was the key. Make no mistake, he will soon become the eye of the storm!" Urouge told to his crew.

"He saved someone who'll become an enemy one day? What the hell is he thinking?!!" Apoo said in disbelief as he remembered Trafalgar Law saving Straw Hat and Fire Fist. But they probably won't live, right? As much as he saw through his binoculars, Fire Fist and Straw Hat had got terrible wounds.

"What are you talking about, Apoo!?" A pirate from his crew asked.

"Trafalgar Law!! Isn't he supposed to be known for his brutality?" Apoo replied back.

"Everything is his fault!! We have to find him! Let's go! To the new World!!" Bonney ordered to her crew.

"Strange..." Hawkins muttered as he looked at his cards.

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