Love Song!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I listen to the crowd cheer for Meena, smiling widely and proud that she was able to perform.

My stomach twisted lightly as Buster rushed onto the stage, ready to introduce me and Johnny.

"Ohh geez," I whisper, rushing to the dressing room and looking over my dress in the tall mirror.

"Now, we have one final act for you tonight!" The crowd once again groans sadly as Buster chuckles, "sorry, folks! I know, truly, it breaks my heart!"

"You ready, (Y/N)?" Johnny's voice questions as he knocks lightly on the pole, Buster talking to the crowd in the back.

"Yeah," I smile, trying to ease my nerves. "Oh, man. You'd think I wouldn't be nervous since I'm used to being on stage with Buster."

I walk out from the dressing room, sighing and nervously fixing my hair.

"Do I look okay?" My eyes flicker to Johnny, his eyes wide and his mouth agape as he looks be over. "... Johnny?"

He swiftly snaps his mouth shut, blinking quickly before grinning with a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

"You look... You are... There are no words to describe you," he speaks softly, grasping my hand. "Perfect isn't enough."

My cheeks hurt with how much I was smiling, and I let out a small laugh as he leans down and places a kiss on my lips.

"Now introducing, my baby sister (Y/N) and her boyfriend Johnny!" Buster yells in excitement, making us both pull away and look towards the curtain.

"You got this, you two!" Rosita smiles, clutching her fist in excitement as we approach.

"Good luck, guys!" Meena grins, waving shyly at us.

"You both are great together," Ash says, setting her guitar down leaning against the crate. "What you have is real. Your bond isn't like anything I've seen... Or known. I know you two will be amazing out there."

"Ja! You two are, like, two halves of a whole!" Gunter agrees, nodding in excitement and smiling as he bounces around.

"Thanks you guys," I smile as Johnny wraps his arm around my shoulders, chuckling.

"Means a lot to have your support," he replies, nodding and smiling.

I reach up, hooking up the mic behind his ear before doing the same for my own.

We both gasp as the audience cheers and chants our names, waiting for us.

"All right," I nervously smile, "it's time!"


"Well... Excited."

He smiles softly at me, taking my hand and leading me out on stage. The crowd all cheer loudly, eager for our act.

"Here we are! I present to you, the lovebirds (Y/N) and Johnny!" Buster presents, smiling widely at us before rushing to join the others.

I take in a deep breath... And we begin.


Third Person P.O.V

"Everyone, quiet. Now!" Marcus' voice echoes as he watches the TV, a neutral expression on his face.

Jack and Barry knew better, and could tell he was all smiles on the inside.


The crowd gets quiet, holding their breaths in anticipation as Johnny and (Y/N) walk to opposite sides of the stage, their backs to one another.

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