Shake It Off!

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Third Person P.O.V

"Well, John, I've covered many disasters for this network, but this is sure to be--" Bob looks away from the camera, looking towards the stage and back. "Oh, they're about to start." He says as trumpets play and the lights dim.


"Okay, guys! Listen up!" Buster calls as he hops on a sandbag. "Look, I gotta tell you, um... There's not much of an audience out there tonight."

"But that doesn't matter," (Y/N) grins, stepping on the sandbag besides Buster.

"It really doesn't," Buster agrees as Eddie rushes behind the two, ready to flick the lever down. "Cause tonight is our night!"

The group all grin at the two, Eddie eagerly still waiting.

"And whatever happens, just know I'm so thankful you guys stuck around, even though we lied," (Y/N) admits with a small smile.

"And know that we are both so proud to be a part of this with you all," Buster finishes.

Johnny smiles at (Y/N), nodding his head at her. She grins and returns it, waving.

"Good luck, you two!" Rosita shoots them two thumbs up, making Eddie alert.

"Good luck every--"

Everyone gasps as Buster and (Y/N) were yanked quickly into the air as they screamed.


Buster lands on the highest beam, shaking and holding onto it before gasping and catching (Y/N) as she screams and falls next to him.

Both pant as they cling to the beam, sighing in relief.


"Whoop! Uh... Sorry!" Eddie apologizes, "just jumped the cue there. Don't-don't worry, I'm gonna get the hang of this." He pats the lever with a nervous grin.


Buster follows (Y/N) as she walks across the beam to the moon, and he helps her onto it before slowly climbing on after her. He shuts his eyes and sighs deeply, not noticing he was facing the wrong direction.


Eddie turns the lights fully off, the lanterns lighting up the seating area and he turns the spotlight on and lowers the moon.


"All people great and small!" Buster says into the mic, posing with his arm in the air as (Y/N) grins with her eyes shut and her arms crossed. "Welcome to the..."

"Buster!" She lightly smacks his head and quickly spins him around, making him yelp and nervously laugh as the children laugh and the adults chuckle lightly.

"Oh! Hello, there!" He nervously laughs again. "Great!"


Bob laughs, looking at the camera and gesturing to the two with clear amusement.


"Welcome to our newly refurbished... Open-air theater!" (Y/N) smiles, gesturing around with her hand.


Buster continues talking as Rosita adjusts the mic on her ear.

"You ready, big guy?" She hypes Gunter up, making him jump and stretch.

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