Under Pressure

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Third Person P.O.V

Eddie snoozes away on his couch, not noticing Buster had left.

He snorts and jolts awake as his phone begins to blare its ringtone, "I'm awake! I'm awake!" With a sniff, he looks at the phone, answering it. "Hey, Buster."

"Hey, Eddie."

"Man, where'd you go? You okay?" Eddie sleepily asks, looking around and yawning, stretching.

"Listen. Could you meet me at the corner of Dinsdale and Lemington?"

Eddie yawns again, smacking his lips. "Now?"

"Yeah, please." Buster was silent for a moment, "and could you... Ahem. Could you bring me a spare speedo?"

The call quickly disconnected, and Eddie fully wakes up and looks at his phone.



A sign reading "Moon Car Wash" stood on the street corner, and Eddie pulls to a stop in the lot.

"Hey, Ms. Crawly," he greets, waving at the woman.

"Oh! Hello, Eddie!" Ms. Crawly smiles, walking with Buster's father's bucket.

Buster sighs as he walks along, wearing a tank top and his suit pants.

"Hey, did you bring the speedo?" He questions, his voice tired.

"The..." Eddie stammers, nodding and reaching in his back pocket. "Oh, yeah. Uh, here."

"Great. You're a real pal, Eddie," Buster smiles sadly, jumping as a car honks and pulls up.

"Oh! Our first customer!" Ms. Crawly smiles in excitement, holding the bucket tightly.

"Ms. Crawly, fill the bucket. Be right with you, sir." Buster calls before disappearing for a moment, reappearing wearing the speedo.

He tosses his pants at Eddie, and they land on his face as he quickly pulls them away.

"Wait-- what are you doing?"

"The only other job I know," Buster sighs as the horn honks again. He groans and grabs a nearby rag, "I'm just glad my dad isn't here to see this. Or (Y/N). Ms. Crawly, if you would wet the--" he was cut off by Ms. Crawly splashing the bucket full of water all over him, dampening the towl. "... Thanks. Well... Gotta go to work. Uh... I'll see you around, Eddie."

Buster sighs and throws the towel on the window of the car, and begins to scrub at the window.

Eddie watches with wide eyes and a dropped mouth before shaking his head, blinking rapidly and turning to leave. He climbs in his car, starting it up and looking back at Buster.


"Come on! I ain't got all day!" The man in the car yells, making Buster panic and scrub quicker.

"Aw, forget it. Too slow, dude!"

The man speeds off, making Buster twirl before falling onto his back with a yelp.

Another car pulls along side him, making him heavily sigh as the horn honks.

"One moment, please, sir!" Eddie yells, looking down at Buster as he places his hands on his knees.

"Well, you know the good thing about hitting rock bottom?" He questions with a grin, "there's only one way left to go. And that's up." Eddie grunts, grabbing Buster's hands and pulling him to his feet. "Come on. You wash, I'll dry."

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