Yandere Alhaitham x reader

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(Havent even done the Sumeru quest but when you have motivation, you have to write.)

(3rd person POV)

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(3rd person POV)

'The late blossoms bloom when the sun stands at the top. Water evaporates when she shines. May the goddes strike as it falls again.' You repeat in your head as you read over the text.

"So is this an official document or some random dude's poetry?" You ask the scribe in front of you with a deadpann. This thing made no sense.

"What? It used to be on a stone tablet but I translated it for you." Alhaitham pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he sighs.

You make an 'oh' face and nod. You may be smart when it came to your academia major but not to things like this.

"So what do you think it means?" He asks you with a serious face.

Curse who-ever put you two together for this project. You had hoped you got one of your more familiar colleagues. But the one you'd be grave exploring with was none other then Alhaitham.

He was stoic, practically never listened to anything you said either with those stupid headphones of his.

"I'm not sure... but perhaps it's a riddle. Meaning that this 'goddes' will appear as the water falls again. Probably as in rain... after this 'sun at the top' so a summer." You think out loud and Alhaitham tilts his head just a bit. The only indication that he's listening.

Alhaitham nods, as if telling you to go on.

With what? You've read this text once. There was no more.

He sure was expecting more though. You sigh and read the translated text over again.

As you turned your gaze to the paper you failed to notice the subtle smile on a certain scribe's face as he looked at you.

Do you know why you were partnered up with him for this project?

Because he wanted that. Alhaitham has high influences in the Akedemia.

You wouldn't work with some other random colleague. And especially not that one you looked at with such adoring eyes.

He couldn't understand how you saw none of his signs. I mean, he translates the stone tablets for you. He brings you a coffee when he goes to get one.

How did you not see his overflowing love for you?

But that wasn't relevant at the moment. You were before him now. He had to be on his best behavior to impress you.

"So? Any more toughts?" He leaned his head in the palm of his hand, propped up on the table by his elbow.

He looked you in the eyes and you couldn't help but feel nervous.

He had a scary and intimidating gaze. Like It's piercing into your soul.

"Yea... I think, if my theories are correct, that this is a riddle. Meaning that the tomb we're researching might 'open' when the first rain falls after the summer." You explain in the most professional tone you can manage. Not wanting to piss this serious guy off.

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