chapter 9: the meeting

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A few minutes later, all the villains and other hero's besides Luna Girl, Newton Stars, the PJ Masks and Robo-Masks (cause they didn't know about it) meted at the library all wondering why Newton Star called him/her

Pharaoh Boy: so why are you all here

Armadylan: well Newton Star called me and told me to be here

Romeo: well he also called me and told me to come here too

Munki-gu: me too

An Yu: and me

Night Ninja: and us. he said referring to him and his Ninjalinos

Wolfy kids: and us

Pirate Robot: argh me thinks he called all of here me Matey's

Motsuki: so who does he want to talk to then

Pharaoh boy: well obviously we wants to talk to me

Orticia: well I think its me

Octobella: no I thinks its me

Armadylan: well I'm a hero so it should be me

Suddenly everyone started to argue about who Newton Star wanted to talk to

????: ACTUALLY. someone shouted to stop them

They then stopped and looked to see who shouted and they saw Newton Star with Luna Girl

Newton Star: actually I wanted to talk to all of you. he said as everyone made an oh face and Motsuki noticed Luna

Motsuki: is Luna ok. she said after she flew to her

Luna Girl: I am fine Motsuki

Motsuki: me now Luna is lying. she said followed by her signature EEP sound

Luna Girl: I am not actually, but I don't want to talk about it. she said as her, Motsuki, and Newton Star went to the others

Newton Star: well now I bet you all are wondering why I wanted to talk to you. he said as they all shakes their heads yes

Newton Star: well I bet you all have noticed that the PJ Masks have not been themselves lately

Armadylan: yeah they attacked me and I am on their sides

Romeo: and they got me while I was not doing anything evil, I was just relaxing

An Yu: yeah, I even tried to meditate on it but I can't figure it out

Everyone was then saying that they were acting like one of the three when the PJ Masks attacked

Newton Star: well I think I know why they acted like that. he as they said why

Newton Star: I believe that the PJ Masks that attacked us are not the real PJ Masks but are imposters. he said as everyone was shocked

Romeo: you mean like the ones I made a long time ago

Newton Star: kind of I have no idea who they are but I believe they are fakes

Luna Girl: maybe it was the imposter lizard who told me he didn't like me that way. she said in her thoughts so no one would hear it

Kevin: so what do we do about then

Howler: yeah what's your idea space boy

Newton Star: I saw that one of us is no match for them so it makes since that we all should work together to get rid of them, as well as the PJ masks when we find the real ones

The hero's liked that idea but the villains were not so happy with the idea

Night Ninja: why should we villains work with each other let alone with the hero's

Orticia: yeah they ruin me planty's

Octobella: and I really hate the green mask

Pharaoh Boy: yeah, I the great Pharaoh Boy works alone

Newton Star: ok, but are you villains ok with them staying around and doing mean things to you every night, even if you are not doing anything evil. he said as the villains made wide eyes

Newton Star: besides I am only taking about a temporary alliance, so when the imposters are gone, you can go back to being evil

The villains then thought about what he just said about keeping the mean PJ Masks and the temporary alliance. Then they came up with an answer.

Romeo: I will work with them, I can only handle one group of PJ'S

Octobella: I am too, I can only handle one green guy

Luna Girl: me and Motsuki are in

Wolfy Kids: we are in as well

Night Ninja: so are me and my Ninjalinos. he said as the others agreed to helping them

Newton Star: ok, lets do this

Then all the people in the library then left to find the real PJ Masks and to take care of the other team of PJ Masks

That's the end of this chapter. Newton Star managed to get the villains and other heroes to help against the Robo-Masks even though it was a temporary alliance. Next time the real PJ Masks will manage to escape from the cage. Comment down below how you think they will escape cause remember that Catboy said in chapter 5 that they can't use their powers in the cage. Find out next time.

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