chapter 17: taken over

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A few days passed and at night the heroes and villains kept working together to patrol the city cause even though they won the match and sent the Robo-Masks away they wanted to make sure they were really gone before they all go back to normal but they managed to find nothing so far, they even check the sewer but they left the sewer before they got there. Now the PJ Masks are leaving school.

Greg: we still haven't found the Robo-Masks

Amaya: are we sure they didn't get destroyed

Conner: well I see it as two possibilities either A they got destroyed and we have yet to find some evidence that they were or B they survived and are planning something big

Greg: that is true. he said as Amaya agreed them

Now we go back to a place outside of the city where the Robo-Masks have made a new base so they could get the special plan the Robo-Catboy made. Now Robo-Owlette and Robo-Gekko are waiting outside of a cave where Robo-Catboy is working on something.

R-Gekko: he sure is taking forever

R-Owlette: can he just finish the thing already, I really want to know his plan. she said right before Robo-Catboy came out of a cave

R-Catboy: I finished making it. he said as he showed that it was a headset (like the one you use for talking to people while playing Xbox or something)

R-Gekko: a headset, it took you forever to make a headset

R-Catboy: this is more than a headset, I altered it to work with my plan, Owlette do you remember the thing I asked you to do the real cat

R-Owlette: yeah, why

R-Catboy: well the thing you put on his neck was a special device that when it is activated by this headset that can only work for us will take control of him and he will follow our orders

R-Gekko: perfect well use one of them to get the others

R-Owlette: perfect. she said as the three then did an evil laugh

The Next night the alliance went out to patrol and Catboy was all by himself. He check a lot of things but still found nothing

Catboy: well still nothing, but maybe the others found something

Before he was about to go check on his friends the Robo-Masks appeared out of nowhere in front of him with Robo-Catboy wearing the headset

Catboy: well I guess you three weren't destroyed after all

R-Owlette: we won't go down that easy

R-Gekko: and we are glad to find you by yourself

Catboy: and why is that

R-Catboy: cause you are going to join us

Catboy: and why would you think I would do that

R-Catboy: because of this. he said as he pushed a big red button on the headphone covering his right ear (they are not covering his cat ears)

The thing on his neck then turned on and Catboy then felt a sharp pain in his neck and purple lightning kept going around his body as he kept feeling pain. After a little bit he got surrounded by purple light and a little bit later the light disappeared and Catboy was in full control of the Robo-Masks

R-Catboy: perfect now I think we have some people to surprise

A little bit away from them Owlette was looking using her legs and then the Robo-Masks appeared in front of her

Owlette: so you three are still alive

R-Owlette: yeah and we like our odds now

Owlette: well how do you like these odds. she said followed by a whistle

A little bit after the whistle, others came to Owlette basically Gekko, Newton Star, An Yu, Romeo, Luna Girl, and Night Ninja

R-Gekko: well we have a surprise for you guys

Gekko: and what is that

R-Catboy: come out and come here. he said on the headset's microphone

A little bit later someone came and stood next to the Robo-Masks and the heroes and villains were shocked to see that it was Catboy but he was a little different. His chest symbol was purple, his stripes were purple, he had on purple gloves and boots that look like his spacesuit's, his eyes were purple, and he had a purple cape (cause why not)

Owlette: what did you do to him

R-Gekko: we have taken control of him

R-Owlette: and he will do what ever we say

R-Catboy: for example, spin around three times. he said in the headset and Catboy then spun around three times

Owlette: you are going to pay for this. she said a little mad

R-Catboy: well see but for now get them. he said in the headset and Catboy then ran to attack the heroes and villains

That is it for this chapter. The Robo-Masks have taken control of Catboy. So the others have to figure out how to save him. Comment down below how you think he can be saved because the headset will only work for the Robo-Masks. We have three chapters left in this book then we get the next one. See you then.

(if you are stuck on who the PJ Masks will team up with in the next story, here is another clue: the people they are teaming up with have nothing to do with aliens inside a watch)

PJ Masks VS Robo-Masksजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें