48 - conversation

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Hey Colby :)


I'm glad you unblocked me.
it's been soooo long since we talked.
i've missed you a lot honestly.

yeah i bet.
it has been a long time lol.

we should be together Colby.
it's the way it's supposed to be.
why'd you take her back?? you looked
so much better with me. :(

Amber when are you going to stop?
I'm happily married and i have two amazing children. I don't want to be with you.
We had a fling in the past, but that's all it was.

are you serious? don't act like you don't love me, don't act like you don't miss me. Don't act like you don't miss the way i would scream your name when we slept together.
She's not right for you Colby.

lmao y/n screams my name just fine.
I love her way more, she's far more important. My kids? i wouldn't dream of losing them because of you! and i'm not going to.
Stop trying to ruin my perfectly happy life!!

ruin your life?? that's what you think i'm doing?! Colby i've loved you for awhile, and you don't even care. I want what's best for you and that's me. I can give you more than she can. Come be with me instead of that wrench.

What could you possibly give to me that y/n hasn't?? She makes me so happy, she made me a father, I'm proud of how far her and i have come. Stop being so jealous and just let us live our lives. I'm over it.

then why did you unblock me???

because i thought maybe after all these years you'd stop trying to get with me, that maybe you would've changed., but you didn't. You're still the same Amber from 5 years ago.

i can change Colby.
i'll change just for you.
i promise.
i'll be better than that bitch!

No. i'm blocking you again! this was a mistake. I shouldn't have unblocked you.

no baby. Don't do this again.
i miss you. Our friendship. i miss hanging out. I miss everything. Come back and we can try again. Please Colby.
user blocked.

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