Chapter 7: Saturday Night

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A soft sigh of pleasure escapes my lips as I sink into the hot bubble bath I've been looking forward to all day. Weekends don't hold much significance for me since I work every day, and with Jess in Italy and Naomi busy with work, I rarely go out on Friday or Saturday nights. Even when Jess is in the country, she spends half of her Saturday nights out with a boyfriend.

That's why I've created my own little pampering ritual for Saturday evenings – something to make that night feel different from the others. After baking cakes for the following day, I order take-out, watch a movie, and indulge in a long bubble bath before bed. It's become my tradition.

Tonight, I've gone all out with candles, my favourite pop music playing in the background, and an abundance of bubbles. I close my eyes, ready to let go of the week and immerse myself in relaxation. But tonight, the blissful feeling eludes me. Behind closed lids, I keep seeing Logan at the café. Even worse, I can't stop remembering the electric touch of his fingers against mine, the way our eyes locked. Instead of calm, my heart races with excitement, which is the exact opposite of what I was aiming for this evening.

I know it's because of seeing Logan digging that hole the other night. The image of him shirtless, muscles rippling as he worked, keeps replaying in my mind. How am I supposed to relax or think about anything else when I can't stop picturing my neighbour half-naked and sweaty? His physique was unreal, like something out of a movie. The heat between my legs intensifies as my imagination runs wild, envisioning touching those hard, beautiful muscles of his.

Feeling frustrated, I open my eyes and fan myself, feeling the warmth of the water. What the hell am I doing, thinking about Logan like this?

Okay, Logan is undeniably attractive. He has a magnetic appeal, and I doubt any woman would disagree with me on that. But usually, a man's good looks would put me off, not turn me on. Since breaking up with Marc, I haven't been impressed by any man and haven't given the opposite sex much thought until I met Logan. After Marc, I vowed not to let myself be taken in by another handsome guy. They are in a league of their own, and I have no desire to compete for their attention against women who are far more beautiful than I am.

So, I don't understand why Logan arouses me when no one else has in so long. I don't understand why I found myself watching him at the café today, stealing glances whenever I could. And I definitely don't understand why I felt disappointed when he was inside his house instead of outside when I finished walking Cricket this afternoon.

"Grr! Roof! Roof!"

The sound of Cricket's barks startles me, and I sit up, staring at the bathroom door.

"Cricket?" I call.

"Roof! Roof! Roof!"

Something isn't right. I stand up, carefully climb out of the bath, and grab my blue bathrobe.

As I rush to open the bathroom door, I almost slip in the process. Once I'm out of the bathroom and away from the music, I can hear it clearly – the banging on the door and the yelling that must have set Cricket off.

"Kristy! Open up."

Damn it. It's Simon – Jess' ex. Judging by the sounds, a drunk Simon.

I tighten the sash of my robe around me, debating whether I should answer the door. Simon isn't my favourite person, especially when he's been drinking. He knows Jess is in Italy; that's why she broke up with him. So, why on earth is he here, trying to break down my door?

With Cricket's barking and Simon's yelling, the neighbours are bound to call the police if I don't put an end to the commotion. Determined to make him stop before the situation escalates, I walk to the door.

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