Chapter 32: Tell You Something

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"Do you have something else you'd rather be doing, honey?"

A surge of guilt washes over me as I put down my phone and turn towards my mum. I haven't seen her in nearly half a year, and I made her a promise to spend Christmas with her. So, it's not surprising that she's calling me out for being distracted. All our uncles, aunts, and cousins have long since gone home, yet Mum and I remain, still talking at the dining table. I haven't managed to sneak even a quick glance at the clock.

The issue? I told Kristy I'd call her after eight, and now it's well past that hour. I suspect she won't mind too much; she's probably in the middle of her own family Christmas dinner. But I miss her, and I'm eager for our chat. We spoke briefly earlier today, but it wasn't nearly enough.

"Is Kristy waiting for you to call her?"

"What, why would she be?"

Admittedly, I've uttered my neighbour's name a handful of times since I arrived a couple of days ago. Well, maybe more than a handful, but certainly not that many.

When I made plans to head to Bairnsdale for the Christmas break, I had thought about asking Kristy to accompany me. Ultimately, I decided it was too early. But now, on Christmas day, I can't shake the feeling that something - or someone - is missing. We've only been apart for three nights, yet it feels like an eternity. It's longer than we've ever spent apart since we started seeing each other.

"Logan, do you seriously think I haven't noticed how your face lights up every time you mention her?"

"I don't, do I?"

Mum grins at me. "You do. How long have you two been seeing each other?"

I decide against trying to deny my relationship with Kristy. Mum would see right through it.

"Since October."

"I assume things are going well?"

Her knowing gaze suggests she's expecting nothing less than a positive response.

"Yeah," I lean back in my chair, a slow smile spreading across my face. "Things are going really well."

"Then why didn't you invite her to join us?"

"She had to work."


"And... I thought it might be too soon for the whole 'meet the parents' situation."

"Did she agree with that sentiment?"

"She was fine with it. We've been taking things slow."

So why does it feel as if things are spiralling out of control? Despite my hesitation to label what we have as a relationship, it's clear that's exactly what it is. However, acknowledging the seriousness of our relationship and expressing my love for her terrifies me.

A few weeks ago, when she confessed her feelings, I was already on the path of falling for her. Now, I'm more than just 'falling'. Every look, every touch, every kiss, every word from her only intensifies my feelings. She's my favourite person to be with, and I want her to move in with me. Yet, I can't seem to muster the courage to tell her how I feel.

I never had this issue with Izzy. As soon as I realized my love for her, the words flowed freely. But that isn't the case with Kristy.

"Judging by how frequently you check your phone, your relationship is anything but slow. You've got that look in your eyes."

I Love You, My NeighbourTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon