𝟎𝟕 - 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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TSIREYA WAKES UP near dawn, the sky is a warm orange and pink color from the sunrise. she yawns tiredly and rubs an eye, blinking as her vision clears to reveal the marui pod around her. the past few weeks had been exhausting. her training as tsakarem had becoming more intense, ever since the sullys left. she assumed it was because her parents wanted to be ready if they ever faced a devastating attack again. although tsireya did have a love for her duties, she could not deny that it was tiring.

after getting ready for the day, she leaves her marui pod, greeting the villagers as she walks around. two small children ran past her chasing each other, causing her to smile at their giggling. the morning hunters were returning from their early hunt with fish, their ilus chirping with contentment. tsireya caught a fish that one of the hunters generously threw at her.

tsireya soaks in the scenery before quietly enters her mother's marui pod. "ma sa'nok?"

"tsireya," ronal nods to her. she was sitting in the middle of the floor weaving baskets, carefully threading the straws together with extreme concentration. "i have no duties prepared for you today. feel free to enjoy today off."

tsireya stands in the entryway, stunned. she thought something was wrong with her ears. no duties? was it her mother really speaking to her?

"a-are... are you certain?" she stammers, holding her hands behind her back and leaning forward on her tiptoes.

the tsahik nods, shooing her away with a hand. "yes, ma 'ite. run along now before i change my mind."

a small smile appears on tsireya's lips and she races out of the marui pod, bouncing along the pathways with glee. a day of freedom, at last!

"tsireya," a familiar voice says.

she stops and turns around, seeing her father, tonowari standing before her. the olo'eyktan stands tall and stares down at his daughter.

"sa'nok gave me a report on your training," he states.

"oh?" a nervous shiver travels down tsireya's spine.

"she said you were doing very well," tonowari adds with a small smile.

tsireya felt happy from her father's praise. "thank you, ma sempul."

he nods and walks over, wrapping a comforting arm around her shoulders. "come, let us get some breakfast."

she puts a gentle hand on his back and the two walk to the middle of the village, where a group of na'vi were sitting around a large firepit in the sand. she spots ao'nung and rotxo sitting too and waves at them. the smell of delicious, roasted fish wafts in the air, and her stomach grumbles with hunger. they take a seat with the group and she is handed a piece of the fish. she tears off a bite and the juicy flavor meets her tastebuds.

"you look tired, tsireya," ao'nung notes, sucking the last pieces off his fish bone. he had been watching her.

she swallows her bite and wipes her mouth. "training is a bit more rigorous these days. i'm getting used to it though."

"do you still like being a tsahik?" tonowari asks.

tsireya nods eagerly. "yes, of course! i'm honored to have the gift."

the group nods and continue their conversations until the morning grows into noon. once finished with their meal, the group disperses and goes their own ways.

tsireya did not need to think twice of where to go. she would return to her favorite home, the ocean. she walks briskly back to the marui pods and makes her way to the edge of the water, staring out into the distance. she slowly takes in a deep breath, preparing her senses and lungs for the dive. it was going to be a long one. there was a lot on her mind.

𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now