Chapter 17

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Practice is almost over and I feel so great.  I have been very giggly towards the end of practice, but I feel so calm. I have been having so much fun with Olivia, Avery and Emily. We are getting along so well. All of my anxiety and heaviness from the counseling sessions and everything that has happened, is gone.

I start walking to the lockers to get my stuff. 

"Ella," Olivia calls.  I turn around. "Wear these sunglasses, your eyes are red."   She hands me a pair of glasses. I giggle, but then panic. Oh gosh.  What if Stef and Lena see my eyes?  At least it is sunny out. I put on the glasses.  I feel so chill, the nervous feeling barely lasts and I just smile again.  "I am serious, you will get in trouble. Don't tell anyone where you got it from. You promise?"

"Of course."

I walk to the parking lot ready to walk home.  Luckily no one is picking me up.  I am kind of giggly and need to hide the fact that I am high. Part of me thinks this was a bad choice, but another part of me doesn't care because I feel the most relaxed I have ever been.

"Hey sweets,"  I look up and Stef pulls up in her car beside me.  Shit.

"Hey Mom, what are you doing here?" 

"Well, I was leaving work and thought that I could pick you up. We could spend a little time together. Hop in." What should I do? I can't act suspicious. I need to act confident. I get in the car and giggle.

"What's so funny, love?"

"Sorry, I was thinking of something from practice. I started hanging out with these three girls and I have been having such a great time. We laughed throughout practice. It was so fun."

"I am glad you made some friends, I want to hear all about them.  Do you mind if we stop at the store to pick some things up for dinner?"

"Uh..." I can't go in a store with her, what if she notices.

"Is that a problem?"  I need to think, but I don't have a good excuse. What am I going to do about the glasses?

"No, I just... I don't feel great." Well, crap, now she may pay more attention to me.  I am too high to figure this out.  I panic and text Olivia.

"Oh sweets, I am sorry, what's wrong? You seem fine from practice?"

To Olivia:  My mom wants to go to the store, what do I do about my eyes?!

She responds right away.
To Ella: Just tell her you have a headache, so you need to keep them on.

"Yoohoo, earth to Ella. Who are you texting?" Stef says.

"Sorry. I know I seem fine," I start, "I just have a headache that is slowly getting worse. It was hot today and we ran a lot.  I drank my entire water bottle.  My head is starting to feel worse like it could be a migraine.  I need to drink some more water.  Light and sounds are starting to hurt." Phew.  Good save.

To Olivia:  Good call.

To Ella: Delete these texts.

I delete them.  This is too much.  As much fun as it is to take these gummies, the timing was not great.  I did not think this through.

"I can just take you home if you would like."  Stef offers.  It makes me feel bad. I am lying and being sneaky and she is trying to help me.

"Well, could I just sit in the car?  I don't mind coming with you. I am sorry.  I would go in with you if my head didn't hurt."

"Of course you can honey."  Stef takes her hand and places it on my leg. "I am sorry your head hurts so much."

"Thanks Mom."  She winks at me and then focuses back on the road.

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