Chapter 5: Eden Prime

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Ainz, Alenko, and Jenkins moved as quiet as they could before ducking behind a nearby rock formation. They were approaching a small forest separating the first outpost, where they expected to find the beacon. Ainz decided to poke his head out of cover and surveyed the area, only to see nothing out of the ordinary. All he saw was rocks and trees. With a firm nod, the Overlord motioned for Kaiden and Jenkins to proceed in front of him as he checked the area in search of hostiles.

The two marines nodded in return before moving upwards, eventually taking cover behind a thick tree. Ainz finished his analysis and moved up to his men, although his eyes remained cautiously observant of the surroundings bushes, boulders, and trees. Alenko looked at the undead for a moment before poking his head out of cover and drawing his rifle from his armoured back. He slowly stood up from the ground.

'I wish I knew more about military stuff,'  Ainz thought to himself and moved his hand forwards.

Although he'd listened when TouchMe explained his old position as the commanding officer of a police force, Ainz never understood the more difficult hand signs and callouts. That was probably one of the biggest mistakes he'd ever made, considering his current situation, but he was determined to make it work.

He looked at Kaidan. "Cover our flanks."

"Understood, sir." The man replied confidently.

Three minutes passed, endless marching across the plains, before Ainz suddenly froze in place. Jenkins opened his mouth to question the undead, only to remain silent when he lifted up his fist; an order to stop advancing and hold their position. Ainz noted the jagged rocks that had decorated the path before them, and realised they could be used for a cover against enemy fire. Taking a moment to remember TouchMe's old lessons, Ainz motioned ahead.

Jenkins immediately rushed to one of the boulders, earning a curious look from Ainz as he followed behind him. Alenko wanted to shake his head in disapproval, but opted for following his commander instead. The youngest soldier leaned out of cover, looking around for potential threats, and then confidently moved away from the rocks with the sole purpose of reaching the next formation. This proved to be extremely fatal for the man.

Over a dozen aerial drones descended from the trees and opened fire on Jenkins, shredding his shields into nothing. Moments after, his armour was penetrated and torn open by the heavy rounds. The rookie yelled in pain before falling limp against the rough ground, earning a surprised look from Ainz and Alenko.

Ainz decided to act and opened fir with his rifle, hitting the drones in the centre of their casing. Once Kaidan took notice of his commander's fire, all of the drones were already destroyed. Although surprised at his quick clean-up, he moved forwards and kneeled beside Jenkins with a grim look on his tanned face. Although he didn't know Jenkins personally, he didn't wish this upon him.

"Enemy fire ripped right through his shields." Kaidan said grimly before standing up. "He never stood a chance."

The Overlord looked down at Jenkin's body. He didn't feel much when it came to the loss of life, probably something to do with his undead body, but he still felt some degree of regret deep within his soul; even if Ainz was no longer human, there was a remnant of Suzuki Satoru that still burned within him like a flame. As a result, he kneeled beside Jenkins' corpse and placed a hand against his face, closing his eyes as a notion of respect for the man.

"We'll give him a proper burial once the mission's over." Ainz said as he raised himself from the ground. "Until then, I want you to focus on the mission. Understood?"

"Yes, commander." Kaidan replied.

Both soldiers continued through the plains until they reached a sudden opening in the creak, revealing a lone female marine. She sprinted towards their position with two drones following behind her, until she threw herself to the ground, pulled out her pistol, and shot both of them until they exploded. The Overlord watched her movements with strange fascination, curious about her abilities and potential as a soldier. He'd need to keep a close watch.

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