Chapter 7: The Search

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Ainz stood outside the Council Chambers for ten minutes, rage building inside of him during the wait, and he thought over the events that lead him to his newest predicament; marching on Eden Prime, saving Nihlus, and receiving a vision of genocide.

"This is more than I can handle."  Ainz complained, placing a large claw against his face. Dragging it downward, he moved his gaze around the room and watched everyone.

The mission on Eden Prime was meant to be a simple 'grab it and go', as Anderson had explained, but now everything was falling apart because a rouge Spectre decided that destroying the human race was more enjoyable than his job defending the entire galaxy.

Ainz was inevitably pulled from his mental musings when both Udina and Anderson approached from the stairs, having finished their meeting with the Council. Both humans didn't seem very happy with the results of their short interaction.

"It was a mistake brining you into that hearing, Captain."  Udina spoke with a scowl.  "You and Saren have too much history. It made the Council question our motives."

"I know Saren, Ambassador."  Anderson replied.  "He's working with the Geth for one reason: to exterminate the entire human race. Every colony is at risk. Every world we control is in danger. Even Earth isn't safe!"

"Calm down, Captain!"  Udina said.  "Throwing a tantrum isn't going to overturn the Council's decision."

Ainz wanted to point out his hypocrisy in calling out Anderson for his burst of passionate anger, but he also understood that there were more important matters at the moment. He turned his attention to both of them as he stood firm beside the stairs.

"What do we do now?"  He asked.

"As a Spectre, Saren is virtually untouchable."  Udina said while rubbing his chin in thought.  "We need to find some way to expose him."

"What about Garrus?"  Kaidan spoke up from behind the three men.  "It sounded like he was close to finding a lead on Saren."  He looked toward Ainz and shrugged.

The Overlord nodded in agreement; if the Turian C-sec investigator had anything linking Saren to the Geth, it could prove useful in removing his Spectre status. He looked towards Captain Anderson and tilted his head in wait for information.

"Alenko makes a good point."  Anderson agreed.  "I also suggest talking with Barla Von. He's an agent of the Shadow Broker. If anyone on the presidium will know where to find evidence against Saren, he's the person you want to speak to."

"Noted."  Ainz said with a nod.

Udina folded his arms and sighed.  "Just make sure to use all of the sources provided. We'll send them all to your Omni-tool."  He looked towards Anderson.  "I need to take care of some business. Captain, meet me in my office later."

With those final words, the Ambassador walked away and left the others to sort the mess themselves. Ainz wanted to chastise the man for his lack of proper help, but reminded himself that, as his superior, he had to listen to his orders.

"Kaidan, Ashley. Follow me."  Ainz said after providing a proper goodbye to Anderson. The three entered the main elevator and descended to the rest of the presidium.

Ainz thought about his next move, stroking his fleshless chin, before an idea came to his mind. The data held by Barla Von would be crucial for their mission to expose Saren, but the Ambassador had shared another source of information; an ex C-sec officer named Harkin. The undead turned towards his soldiers.

"You two question Harkin in Cora's Den."  He ordered, sharing the info on his omni-tool.  "I'll question Barla Von personally. We'll meet up later, after questioning."

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