Not an Update Just An Announcment

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Ok so, I know it's been over a year since I updated, and I feel truly horrible, but I just wasn't into it for the longest time. I'm not sure I still am honestly. I'm kinda iffy about continuing this story to tell you guys the truth. But if there's enough interest, I will do my absolute best to finish this for you guys, but if not, I don't want to waste my time. So please, let me know if you would like me to finish. I have it kind of planned out, I'm just not that great at actually sitting down and writing. Like I said, if you faithful followers feel like you want an ending, I will give you one (a good one). If there is enough interest, I will delete this entry and continue on my merry way with this story.

Thank you to all of you who have kept with this story, waiting for an update, and I apologize again, profusely. Love you, all of my lovelies. XOXOXO

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