A Step Forward

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(This all takes place way before the war.)

Narrator POV

As the cybertronians go about their day, the Senate and High Council talk about how to make things better. Although one of the senators was a little bit out there. By that meaning, the senator goes out of her way to see what the citizens see.

"Atana! Hey are you even listening to me!?" Senator Cliffjumper questions as he looks at his fellow senator.

"Hm? Oh yes Cliffjumper I heard you but, I just don't understand why we have to do these things? I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy to help change Cybertron but, I think we should take account for what the people have to say." Atana says as she looks outside the window.

"Atana I get it, you hate the fact that we are putting the squeeze on the miner's but we need the energon. So sadly making them work harder is the only way to go." Cliffjumper says as he looks over some reports.

"Ha, "work harder" my aft Cliff I only see the pain that we are causing those miner's and don't even get me started on the rumors about Kaon." Atana says as she sees fliers about Kaon.

"Ugh again with Kaon? Listen Atana I think you shouldn't worry yourself with the Gladiatorial Arena. All that's there is nothing but entertainment for all of Iacon's citizens to enjoy. As well as for some of the citizens of Kaon City.

And I personally think a high ranked senator should concern themselves about that place." Cliffjumper says carelessly.

Of course that only made Atana very upset and angry so, without saying anything else the young senator leaves. Atana decided to go ahead and pay her mentor/teacher a visit.

Near the the City of Kaon

Atana manged to arrive at her teachers home to visit him and get his opinion on her current task. As she enters the code to get in, she couldn't help but feel really bad about her teachers living conditions.

"Teacher? Teacher!? Are you here and if you are, I need to talk to you?" Atana asks as she walks around the room and into a laboratory.

"Atana I thought I told you that it was illogical for you to keep calling me teacher. Especially since you've graduated from me and became a multi senator." Shockwave says from behind her.

"Hehehe well I can't help it Shockwave besides last I checked, I'm still your one and only student

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"Hehehe well I can't help it Shockwave besides last I checked, I'm still your one and only student. I'm actually surprised that you aren't teaching others." Atana says as she helps write a new formula for Shockwave's energon project.

"It's highly illogical for me to take on anymore students or apprentices when I already had the greatest student I could ever ask for." Shockwave says as he looks over the formula.

Atana was touched by the compliment that Shockwave gave her but, she couldn't help but think about what Cliffjumper told her.

"Something troubles you Atana, what is it?" Shockwave questions

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