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"fucking shit, this is disgusting

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"fucking shit, this is disgusting."

Jenna had a boyfriend.

This wasn't a surprise to Eden, who'd always known her sister to be boy-crazed, but she hadn't actually met any of them. Miranda deemed which of Jenna's boyfriends were worthy of meeting Eden, because she was so much younger and they both wanted her to have a good perception of men, but none of them made the cut.

So when Jenna introduced Eden to her boyfriend, Alaric Saltzman, Eden didn't really know what to think.

For one thing, she was impressed with Jenna's ability to find the perfect specimen of the opposite sex. Alaric was a looker.

For a second thing, she didn't like the name Alaric. It was stupid. Sounded like a seasoning.

For a third thing, he was very nice. Very charming. And very much in love with Jenna.

Not that Eden said any of this. She was just happy to be introduced. To observe. Jenna was smitten with the man, who couldn't take his eyes off of her the entire dinner.

"...and that's when I was reminded of just how much I regret becoming a teacher."

Eden and Jenna burst into laughter at Alaric's punchline, Eden shaking her head at her future brother-in-law. (Because if Jenna didn't marry him one day, she'd force her into a dress and push her down the aisle.)

"Ric, I'm going to buy you three more bourbons because no one should have to deal with that," Eden replied with a laugh. "I'm serious, what kind of kid brings a cat to a history presentation about World War II?"

They all laughed again and Alaric traced the thin scratch on his hand from the memory. Jenna grabbed his hand with a shy smile and he glanced at her face with an equally shy smile.

Eden was going to burst with how adorable they were if they continued.

"So what about you, Eden?" Alaric asked. "I hear you went to a pretty fancy boarding school. Did you like it?"

Eden nodded, trying to push the more positive memories to the forefront of her mind, a fond smile pulling at her lips. "Yeah, it was nice. We were sorted into different houses based on traits we believed we aligned most with and my house became like my family. We played soccer competitively and my best friend was the star of the team."

They did not, in fact, play soccer. They played quidditch on flying broomsticks and hit different balls in the air through hoops while Harry, who was the star of the team, tried to catch a small golden object that zipped through the stadium at a hummingbird-like speed.

FROM EDEN ― mikaelsonsWhere stories live. Discover now