Round 2 - Yellow Belt Entry - The Hit

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I had this planned out like every other. He would be swimming in his pool right now, he always does for twenty minutes until he has his shower and prepares for dinner. This guy had a very regimented life and, for some reason, someone somewhere wanted him dead. It was a healthy price so I'd made sure I'd done my research properly.
I crept up to the pool room, hiding in the shadows and behind the stone pillars as I edged closer to him. He got out of the pool, wrapped the towel around his waist and let out a long breath as he began to leave.
I grabbed him and slammed him face first onto the floor.

"No please stop. Take whatever you want." He begged.

"I will be." I said strongly. He quickly spun around, his back against the cold, wet tiles and shot his hand out towards my neck with a smirk on his face. His eyes were dark and fearless, similar to mine, and it was in that moment I realised... This wasn't the guy I was meant to be killing.

My arm flew out and blocked his attempt to grab me. I scrambled off the mysterious man as he jumped to his feet.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He smiled, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Where is-?" I began, but was swiftly cut off.

"Jonathan? He's safe somewhere, away from you. I know who you are, Quinn." My throat went dry and closed up. No one knew me.

"Yeah great, you know my name." I shrugged, trying to play it cool. The mystery man took some slow steps towards me. I daren't move backwards, I didn't want to show him I was fearful.

"I know more than that." He laughed. "I'm here because of you." He dropped his towel to his feet, revealing a large knife that was concealed well by his thigh. My hand went to my belt and I grabbed the handle of mine too. "You're here because someone is paying a high price for Jonny boy. I'm here because someone is paying an even higher price for you..." Time seemed to stop still. Someone wanted me dead? No one even knew I existed, how was this possible?

"Who?" I asked carefully. Knowing I was distracted, he lunged at me and the battle for our lives began. He offered a breathy laugh before he spoke.

"Robin did. Blue Robin." The news crashed over me like a tsunami, my own boss had put out a hit against me? My mind elsewhere, the man leapt at me, knocking us both to the floor with a crash. He had the upper hand now that I was absent-minded.

"What? Why?" I queried, my arms blocking his array of attacks as best they could. I couldn't concentrate, my mind was a mess.

"I guess he was fed up of your messy work. I will show you how it's properly done."

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