Chapter 2: Magical Portal

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It was the next morning and Everleigh had just woken up. She went to the bathroom, got changed and went to pack her bag for the first day. After that she went infront of the mirror in her room and started brushing her hair. "Are you seriously brushing your hair or am I going blind?" the girl's roomate asked her. "Eh n-no. I think your fine. I-I'm brushing my hair" Everleigh told the girl. Everleigh was surprised to see her roomate talking to her as she seemed to be famous while she was just... well she was just Everleigh.

"I can't beleive you right now! You wake up with perfect hair and still brush it! What a waste of time. Oh well." The girl shrugged. "Oh ye. I'm Emily" she intorduced. "I-I'm Everleigh" she answered back not knowing how to even tell her. "You seem like the type of person that doesn't talk to others, right?"
Emily asked her knowingly. "Somethin like that. I'm gonna meet with my sisters and head to class. You wanna come with?" Everleigh asked while trying her best to give talking and friendship a try. "Sure let's go!" and with that they left ther suite and went off to meet the others.

"Mia, Ivy, wait up!" Everleigh exclaimed with her new friend behind her. "Who's this Ev?" Mia asked her sister. "This is Emily. My... new friend." The blonde explained. "Hey nice. now you have someone to hang out with when we'er busy." Ivy told her. Everleigh just smiled at her and made their way to their classroom.

On their way there, the four saw a mysterious, glowing, light coming from a locked, forbidden, old storage room. They all decided to break the rules a bit and and go check it out.

They found a mysterious portal inside. "Wow. This is just.... Wow!" Mia said speachless. "Ye. Finally something interesting in this fucked up school" Everleigh told the three other girls without any hesitation. "We need to tell Abbott about this right away!" Emily said still surpeised. " No way! You're crazy! We tell no one about this. Who knows? Maybe it leads to a nice place and we can have our own hang out place. Abbott will just destroy it! Now come on let's get back to class so we don't look suspesious." Ivy told them imedietly. The other girls just listened to her like she was a very important comander and kept walking to class.

Their first class today was all about chaneling their magic. Everleigh didn't like the sound of that at all, and she had every right to hate that class since she couldn't channel her magic much. In fact, when it was her turn she had only managed to create a few sparks but nothing more.

After that class they had a free period and decided to go to the mysterious portal. Unfortunatly Emily didn't have time since she needed to go study some stuff and catch up on her homework. "I think we should enter it." "Are you crazy? It can be dangerous." Mia and Ivy argued. "What do you think Ev? Do we go in or stay out?" Ivy told Everleigh but although her body was here, her head was still thinking about their lesson and her big failure. "Hey Ev. It was only the first magic class. No one expects you to get everything right on your first try. Even me and Ivy didn't do that great." Mia told her blonde sister in attempt to comfort her. "You still managed to channel yoyr magic. All I got was a few flickers. I was the worst of the whole class and I'll always be." Everleigh told her back, her voice breaking as tears were starting to form in her eyes.

The fact that Abott was watching her with strict eyes wasn't really helping the blonde to channel her magic and she just got nervous in front of all those people. You can't really blame her. "I'm gonna head to my room." Everleigh said while she left before her sisters had gotten a chance to talk to her. Mia felt like some of this was her fault since Everleigh always felt like the odd one out when hanging with her since she was weak when compared to her sister that possesed the dragon flame and was super powerful.

"Let's go in it and we will go with Ev later" Ivy said to try and cheere Mia up. "Kay I guess." And with that they both entered the portal together.

It was amazing inside. It was like everything all mashed into one whole world. They found a billboard. It had a map of the place on it and next to the billboard was a vehicle to take you to the place you want. It had buttons with the pictures of the places on it. The found them selves on 'Colour Land', the grass was pink and the trees were of any colour and even the sky of that area changed colours. It was truly magical. They started to get hungry so they tool a look at the map. There was a place called 'Lunch Land' which really interested the girls. "Really simple names. C'mon let's use this vehicle and head to this 'Lunch Land' and...  well I guess we will eat." And with that they headed of to 'Lunch Land'.

It was like they had went to a never ending buffet. All you had to do was pick the food from trees or bushes. THERE WERE EVEN PLATES OF PASTA!! The girls picked a bit of food and placed it on a plate that they got from a plate stand next to another billboard, identical to the other one they found right when they landed.

They got stuffed and couldn't eat another bite. " Wow. That was just... Wow!" Mia tried to explain her feelings for this place to Ivy. "Ye I know. But we should really be getting back. It's already 5:43pm. We can come back tomorrow with Everleigh" Ivy explained to Mia as they head back.

They were passing trough the cortyard to enjoy the place as they heard the sound of a sword. "I tought everyone had finished for the day" said Mia, "Let's go check it out." As they snuck behind one of the trees they saw the source of the sound they had heard. It was exually Everleigh. She was swirling a sword around and attacking a maniquin.

They looked up at the windows and saw Abbott looking at Everleigh and it looked like she was proud of her. They placed their attention back on Everleigh as she was now punching one of the punching bags.

"I'm gonna talk to her" confessed Mia. "I dunno if that's a great idea. She seems pretty focused." argued Ivy but as she was finished Mia had already started walking up to her vlonde sister.

Everleigh heard clapping from behind her and she immedietly turned around. "Seems like you're pretty good at that" Mia told her with a smile on her face. "Ye I guess I just needed to cool off. I saw the equipment here and came to cool down. Sorry for earlier. I was just...." Everleigh started but Mia stopped her. "I know. It can be hard being the odd one out sometimes. Listen. If you want I can give you one on one practice lessons so you can channel your magic better. But in return you need to teach me some moves." Mia told her sister chuckling at the end. "Sure just I really dunno how much you will survive without being knocked down. You're pretty light on your feet." Everleigh told her in attempt to tease her sister. The two went back into Alfea laughing at each others comments.


Hey again.

Sorry this was kinda late but school has been kinday stressfull and with the exams goin on I didnt really find much time. Anywas. Hope your enjoying so far.


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