Chapter 1: The Start

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It was the start of a new school year at Alfea. Mia, Everleigh and Ivy were getting ready for their first year. They were triplets but they all had very different personalities.

There parents, Bloom and Sky, tried to get them to get along but they always seemed to be fighting with each other unless, of course, they weren't together.

Mia was a very powerful fire fairy with the dragon flame just like her mother, Ivy was also a powerful fire fairy but didn't hold the power of the dragon flame which is why she always felt that her sister was better than her.

Everleigh though was the one that felt like she was the least favorite from the three since she was also a fire fairy but it was either her magic got out of control and nearly exploded everything or her magic was very weak.

Once the three entered Alfea they knew exactly were to go since there parents had told them everything. They weren't in the same rooms which is acually why they were surprisingly upset. Even though the fought a lot, they still loved each other.

Their headmistress, Lourdes Abbott, was very strict and they didn't like her very much."You will stay in the rooms that you were assigned to and you are not allowed to go to any other room" Headmistress Abbott told them strictly. The girls just nodded to her and went off to their assigned rooms.

The first thing they did was go unpack. Mia and Ivy soon made friends with their suitemates Everleigh however, found it pretty hard to even talk to their own parents let along new teenagers. She wasn't shy, she just wasn't a people person and whenever she tried to talk to people she didn't know, sometimes even when she talked to her parents, she lagged and sometimes even forgot her own name!

After they all finished they met up in the courtyard."My roomate is so cool, we even like the same stuff!!" Mia said while blabbing on about her new friends."Well mine is some sporty girl wich hates music. I mean how can someone hate music !?? But the others are pretty cool" Ivy jumped in. "What about you Ev?? Talk to anyone yet?" Mia asked her blonde sister since she and Ivy both know that she doesn't go well with other people. "Nah I didn't really talk to anyone yet" Everleigh answered not daring to look up as she knew that if she did, she did her sisters would just keep on pushing her to talk to people.

If you were to see the three you wouldn't even know that they were sisters, in fact, that was exactly what the other kids thought. They got the feeling that Mia and Ivy might have been siblings but they thought that Everleigh was just a friend of theirs.

I mean, you can't really blame them. Mia was a ginger and Ivy's hair was just a bit darker that hers. Everleigh on the other hand was blonde and super quiet compared to the other two.

None of that really mattered to them though. Mia and Ivy loved Everleigh just the was she was, just like she loved them. "So do you guys want to sneak out tonight and see how the courtyard looks at night?" asked Ivy exitedly."Why in the courtyard?? Can't we sneak in to Ms. Abbott's office instead? It's way more interesting." jumped in Mia wanting something more exiting."You two are crazy. Do you wanna get yelled at or being close to elimination from the school on your first night?" Everleigh than reminded her sisters of the trouble they'd be in. "I didn't think so. If it's ok with your suitemates we can meet up in someone's room if you want to break the rules that badly." "Nah not as fun" answered Ivy which was now bumed.

They started to walk in the direction of their rooms since they were all in the same side but all of a sudden they had heard yelling from one of the rooms. "YOU JERK!! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU DID HERE!!" One boy was yelling at the top of his lungs from inside the room. "Oh just shut the fuck up man. It's just a stupid book" the girls heard another boy telling his suitemate more calmer. Then the girls heard a loud thud on the door. They glanced at each other and opened the door where they found a guy lying on the floor. From what they could see the other fairy had just used his powers on him.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry man it was an acident. I just lost control" the boy apologised really feeling sorry. "Just stay away from me!" The other guy said in pain. The girls took the clearly injured boy to Ms. Abbott's office but Everleigh stayed behind. "Are you ok??" she asked the confused boy as she knew how it felt to lose control and hurt people you care about. "No" He said, tears falling down his cheeks. "James is my best friend and I lost control over a book"He admitted to the girl.

Everleigh tried to comfort the boy who was still sobbing and thinking about his friend. A minute or two passes as he got himself together. "I'm Noah. Not my ideal first impression" he told the blonde chuckling at the end. "I'm Everleigh" she said as she had just noticed how blue and dreamy his eyes were. Everleigh had been pulled out of her thoughts as soon as her sisters came back in with Noah's roomate, James.

The trio left the two friends to sort things out. "Oooh, Ivy, look! Someone's blushing" Mia told her sister, in attempt to tease Everleigh playfully. "Shut the fuck up and mind your own business will ya?" Everleigh asked rethorically. "So that was a pretty big fight just on some shitty book, huh?" Ivy asked the two."I think it was importent to Noah though cuz he wouldn't let it go and it seemed pretty old" Everleigh said. "Ooh she's on a first name basis already huh?" Mia said while laughing at her sister. Everleigh didn't care on what her sisters tought, she just wanted to know more about the book (maybe even look at those dreamy eyes again).

Without they even knew it, it was already dark out so they decided to go get some rest. Everleigh didn't really wanna go to her room since she didn't even know anyone but she just had to get used to it or make some new friends.

word count: 1070

Ok guys.
That was chapter 1 and I really hope that you like it. I will be posting more chapters but how fast they become published is all up to how much free time I have. I hope you liked the 1st chapter and you are always free to pm me if there is anything you need clearance off.

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