Fixer up

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"Wha-?" !!!??? I was hit in the back of my head and fell to the ground.. That made me a little dizzy but, I knew exactly who did it... I stood up and turned around fast, punching N in the face HARD.

N fell to the ground furious. He stood back up and tried to stab V with his tail... But he missed... And hit Lizzy in the stomach...

"Lizzy!!" Now that was my last straw!!... I pulled out my blades and stabbed N in the chest before he could even react... "Now you can feel what it felt like to get stabbed...." "And yes, I know you can regenerate, but this time you can't..." "I stabbed you in your chest, my blade scraped your core...." "Now, your core is probably leaking on the inside of you.... I laughed and ran to Lizzy. "Lizzy!!" "A-are you okay!?"

"No!?" "I just got stabbed with acid!!"(Nanites) "Agh!" I was holding my stomach in pain, as V picked me up and ran into the landing pod.

"V was right... I'm probably going to die..."

"Not on my watch!"

!? I looked over to see uzi running at me. "U-Uzi I-"

"Save it!" "You will apologize to V, and Lizzy later!" "And tell me what is wrong with you!"

"I-i can explain-!"

"No!" "Not right now!" I dragged N to the side of the pod, me sitting up against the pod, and him right in front of me. I power off N and open his panel that holds his core. Yeah that was right! His core was leaking!...I grabed this random patch that I found, and  reached my hand inside of the panel and put the patch nice and tight on the side of his core. "There that should do... I hope..." I closed his panel and turned him around. I used some scrap metal to fix the blade cut in his chest. Then I leaned him up against the pod and powered him on.

I woke up and felt a lot better! But I do think I will have to work on my anger-. I snap out of my thoughts and looked up. Uzi?.. why was she passing back and forth?... "Uzi?..."

I was passing thinking if N will be ok or not then I heard someone call my name... I look over to see N standing up. "N!!" I jumped into his arms happily. "Y-your okay!!"

"Yeah..." "I am..."




Ok now you have made it to the end !! Teehee! (Idk if that is how you spell that) but-! In one of the chapters coming up there will be either something sad, something happy that will make you cry, or something spicy 🔥!!!(and NO, no one will be "doing it"!!! Don't think like that!!!(I know you all think like that cause I still do) 🥲🥲🥲DONT ASK---!!

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