Chapter 25: The Beginning of the End

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Chat Blanc flies through the air towards Argos. The peacock-themed hero looks at me in panic before shouting, "Get out of here!"

In a daze, I run towards my front door, flinging it open without bothering to close it. I scamper down the stairs of the building, almost tripping in my haste. I throw open the door to the outside and make a run for the nearest alleyway.

Once in the shelter of the shadows, Renovva pops out of my clothes. By now, tears are running down my face as I realize the severity of the situation.

"I messed up so bad, Novva," I cry hysterically. 

For once, Renovva looks genuinely worried. She lays a paw on my shoulder. "We can fix this. Let's go."

"Renovva, claws out," I gasp. Blue light flashes around me and I become Albachor, hugging myself for comfort. This wasn't going to be an easy fight, both physically and mentally.

With an aching heart, I turn back to the balcony of my apartment. Argos and Chat Blanc are still fighting, but it seems as if the latter is gaining the upper hand.

I leap up to the railing and see Argos covered in cuts and bruises while Chat Blanc is almost completely unscathed.

"Blanc!" I shout, gaining both of their attention. Chat Blanc glares up at me, bristling with fury. His cat-like pupils thinned into slits. "This is our fight," I continue.

He abruptly shoves Argos to the ground, stepping past him while maintaining eye contact with me. I stand proudly on the parapet, trying not to waver under Chat Blanc's cold gaze.

He hops up to my level, towering over me. Chat Blanc momentarily glances at my ears before making eye contact. "Where are the ladybug earrings?"

I feel my blood run cold. "I don't have them anymore," I answer truthfully.

"Then where," he growls, "did they go?"

"Right here."

Both of our heads snap to the building across the street where the iconic scarlet superhero stood in all her glory.

Despite everything that had happened, I felt relief wash over me. More backup was always promising.

Ladybug leaps to my balcony, staring at me. "Tikki told me everything." She turns her gaze to Chat Blanc. "Come on, Chat. Let's get you back to normal."

Chat Blanc snarls. "As if," he hisses. "I'm tired of this shit. Of both of your shit." He glances at me and Ladybug. "Not once have you respected me. Not once have I been up to your standards. This city thinks I'm inferior to all the other heroes, and I'm fucking sick of it. I work just as hard for not even half the recognition." He glares back at Ladybug. "And you! It was just the two of us in the beginning, and then you got all your little friends to replace me the second you had the opportunity to do so. I felt like maybe I was someone's first choice for once, but I was wrong. I wasn't important to you anymore. You replaced me when you said you wouldn't. You didn't trust me. You don't trust me. I became useless. I felt like maybe I had a purpose as Chat Noir, like I could actually be someone. But I guess not. Not to you, not to anyone."

He pauses to glare at the ground, rage seething behind his eyes. "Turns out my best friend in civilian form hated my guts as Chat Noir. My childhood best friend, too. My ex only liked me for the fake persona I put on. My father barely even treats me human, and my mother is gone. Either nobody fucking trusts me or I'm not good enough for them. I can't take it anymore." Chat Blanc raises his gaze menacingly back to Ladybug. "So, I'm gonna need your miraculous for myself."

In the blink of an eye, Chat Blanc is reaching his hands out for Ladybug's earrings. Luckily, she's fast enough to dodge, and the fight begins.

I stand rigidly to the side as I call, "Watch it, Ladybug! He's out of Monarch's control!"

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