Chapter 23: Catastrophe

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"Hey Alby! Do you need something?"

I slowly rise to my feet when I hear him land behind me, a feeling of dread sitting in my stomach. "As a matter of fact, I do."

"Cool," Chat Noir smiles. "What do you need?"

I sigh deeply. Might as well get this over with. "You probably won't like it. But I need to do this."

He lifts a brow. "What do you have to do?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them and staring directly into his green eyes. "I need your miraculous."

Chat Noir's eyes widen in shock. "You...what?"

I turn away. "I know who Monarch is and it's...not good. I want to change it. I can even make it simple and wish the butterfly miraculous right back into our hands."

He looks at me questioningly. "What do you mean you want to change it? I don't want a Monarch as much as anybody, but using the wish is dangerous."

"His identity is quite influential in Paris," I reply dejectedly. "I'm doing this to try to protect the sanity of someone I care about."

He rests a hand on my shoulder. "Alby, whether you like it or not, someone is gonna be hurt by this. Just let it happen naturally."

"I can't," I say shakily. "I'm in too deep already. There's no going back."

Chat tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

I meet his gaze sadly. "All I have left to get is your miraculous, and I can have my wish."

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion before realization washes over his expression. " have Ladybug's..." he trails off.

I nod solemnly. "Renovva, Tikki, unify."

A flash of pink light engulfs me as ladybug print merges with my white suit. My chest and the bottom parts of my arms and legs are covered in red with black dots, as well as the upper part of my mask. Chat Noir flinches in horror.

"You...what happened to Ladybug?" he whimpers.

"She's okay," I assure, looking away. "I promised her that I would take care of Tikki." I close my eyes, shaking. I hold out a hand blindly. "I need Plagg now. Please."

"Do you think I would just give him to you?!" Chat yells angrily. I flinch in surprise as I bring my hand back to my body.

"I don't want to fight you," I whisper. "I'm trying to be civil. Just give me the ring and this can all be over in a few seconds."

"What if you're tricking me?" he hisses. "What if you're working for Monarch?"

I look at him sadly. I can understand why he thinks that, but it still hurts that he thinks I'm against him.  

"Have you just been trying to use us?" Chat asks, almost at the verge of tears. "Do I really mean nothing to you?"

"What?" I ask suddenly. "Where did you get that from? Of course I care about you, that's why I don't want to fight!"

"Being Chat Noir means everything to me!" he shouts. I'm stunned into silence as he continues. "Then you came along, and things got even better. I had a connection with someone for once. I wasn't just Ladybug's sidekick anymore. I could be more...with you. And you want me to just give it all up? To destroy the universe? What if you're gone, and it's my fault because I let you have my miraculous?"

I feel his words sink in. No, I think, stopping myself before I spiral. Enough hesitating. Just do it.

"I need this, Chat," I insist. "I won't ask again. I need to protect someone."

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