Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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I knew coming to Paris was gonna be rough, but not this rough.

I had heard about the attacks of Hawk Moth from the other side of the world. At first, he didn't seem like a major problem. Even some random teenagers were able to keep him at bay for a while. But things had gotten a little too out of hand.

Much of the world didn't give a care what was happening in France, let alone Paris. Sure, tourism had decreased dramatically, but if it didn't affect any other country, the world couldn't give less of a shit. However, as a miraculous holder, I made to stay up to date with any other miraculouses worldwide. By this point, I had been watching the situation in Paris escalate for years.

Three years after the emergence of Hawk Moth, he had finally managed to take hold of an entire miracle box, save two of the most powerful miraculouses in the world: the ladybug and the black cat. Now, Hawk Moth was Monarch, and he had somehow found a way to transfer the powers of other miraculouses to his victims. Attacks happened constantly, and the Parisian heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, were struggling to make progress in Monarch's defeat.

I decided to move out there on my own. I was finally eighteen and ready to attend college where I pleased. I convinced my family I would go to Paris for a little "cultural experience" and to get out of the same place I had been for years.

I am now in my new apartment. The windows displayed a pleasant view into a dimly lit street. The cement gleamed with recent rain that illuminated the grime of the city. It wasn't bad though—it only accentuated the rustic and timely vibe of the city. Plants were peppered on the buildings, some even sporting a rooftop garden. I was nowhere near any famous monuments, but the view was beautiful nonetheless.

I moved here to temporarily scout out the whole Monarch situation before even thinking about making an appearance. Besides, it would be suspicious if a new girl showed up in the middle of a semester at the same time as a new superhero. 

To be honest, I was really excited to be here. I mean, Paris. The City of Love. A beautiful city with wondrous food, a rich history, and beautiful architecture. I couldn't wait to study here and be on my own. Even better, I was going to an international school, so English would be the main language spoken there.

But college isn't my main goal here. Sadly, I had bigger issues to focus on. I needed to help the miraculous heroes for the sake of Paris.

My miraculous is quite unique. It was originally made to be part of the same miracle box as the ladybug and black cat miraculouses but was deemed too powerful and dangerous. During the formation of the first miracle box, the ladybug miraculous did not yet exist. In contrast to the black cat miraculous, there was a white cat miraculous. Like the ladybug miraculous, the white cat harnessed the power of creation. However, this creation was uncontrollable. Unlike the ladybug's vague lucky charm, anything the holder of the white cat miraculous craved could be created at will with no limits in the amount of uses if the holder was strong enough. The white cat was meant to balance out the black cat but instead outweighed it's power. It was meant to be creation and destruction, but it got out of hand. Instead, the concepts became lucky and unlucky: a ladybug and a black cat. This allowed a better balance of power between the two most powerful miraculouses.

The white cat miraculous was forgotten for a long time. The ladybug miraculous replaced it, and it was as if it had never existed in the first place. For centuries people believed it was destroyed. However, the kwami was not so easily abandoned. She never felt a need for a holder despite how chaotic her powers could become, especially since said power was abused by many holders. For the sake of everyone's survival, she kept herself and her miraculous away from people.

That was until she ran into her former miracle box. By this point she had traveled the world for years. Plagg was out and about doing god knows what when he bumped into his former counterpart: Renovva, the original kwami of creation. Stunned to see him, Renovva agreed to go visit the rest of the kwamis in Tibet. Suddenly, Renovva was tied back into the world of the miraculouses. Then the miraculouses of the butterfly and the peacock were lost along with her. Renovva managed to escape before anyone found her. In a state of panic, she went into hiding for years until she unknowingly went into a seemingly empty house where I met her.

The rest is history. After a frightening introduction, I offered Renovva some food and had no interest in being a miraculous holder. However, I understood the severity of the situation and protected Renovva thereafter. We grew closer over the years, Renovva surprisingly sticking around without ever transforming. But suddenly a threat arose, and Renovva entrusted me with her powers for the first time.

Other miraculous villains aren't uncommon in other places. I soon became a hero in multiple countries due to my constant moves. My family knew nothing of my miraculous—we mostly moved for job reasons. To be fair, they might have caught on at this point, because if Albachor wasn't me, it would seem like she was following us everywhere.

I started being a hero around fourteen years old, just little missions here and there. Now that I was eighteen, I could choose which place needed my attention most. I had done nonstop research on other possible miraculous villains, and Paris had been one of my main spots for years.

Things had only just gotten bad recently when Monarch took the miraculouses. It was a perfect time for me to step in.

But first, I had to settle in to my new place.

"Ooh, I think I'm gonna like it here," trills Renovva, flopping onto the windowsill that looks out onto Paris.

"Yeah, not too bad, right?" I reply. "But we can't forget our mission, Renovva. Priorities first."

"Pssh," she voices, waving a tiny paw in the air. "We'll think about that later. You can't appear out of the blue as Albachor here anyway, and I want a break."

I roll my eyes but smile. "Sure, sure. It's not like I have to be observing or anything for the time being."

"You'll have time," she grumbles. "In the mean time, I'm starving. Do you have any brie yet?"

I laugh at her. "We just got here, stupid," I remark, flicking her head lightly. "You'll get your brie, fresh from Paris this time! And we're sharing."

Renovva folds her tiny arms. "Like hell," she mutters.

"Oh right. I do all the work unpacking, going to a job, and getting an education all while your only responsibility is to eat all the food I paid for," I retort. "And brie isn't cheap!"

"You'll manage, superhero," she snaps back jokingly, sticking her tongue out.

I walk to the boxes that had already been hauled in by the moving company. All I had to do was set up. The floor was all wood. From the entrance of the apartment was the kitchen area to the right with cabinets and the stove lined up on the wall and a marble slab island a few feet behind with high chairs. Past the kitchen was the living room area, a wide open space that I planned to fill with a TV on the left wall and a couch on the right with a coffee table in between. From there on was a balcony with two double glass doors.

Just past my kitchen and to the left was a hallway that led to a bedroom. The bedroom was on the left side of the hall and a bathroom was just opposite of it. The bedroom was comfy and quaint and was also accompanied by a mini balcony. I smile widely.

A new era has begun.

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