The Room Of Pain

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(The first few chapters will be taking place in the past where it all started for [Project: Lone Wolf] 《I will refer to [Project: Lone Wolf] as either P:LW or Wolf for short》)

{1st Person P:LW}

I don't recall what I did to deserve this.  I woke up one day in a white room, it wasn't big but not small but there was nothing in it- or so I thought.  People wearing something that covered them completely would come in and out of the room.  Some had weird tools and others had clipboards or tablets just writing stuff down.  Not sure why.  Although I'd soon find out.
At first it was just a few tests every few days, the people seemed nice.  But soon the tests evolved into more brutal tests- if you could even call it that..  It wasn't so bad they'd only take out a few old parts and replace them with newer parts- even experimental parts to see what worked and what didn't.  It didn't hurt much- well until they started getting mad that is...
The first time they got mad one of them turned on something from a tablet and I could feel my internal parts burning with sharp pains it was like that for almost an hour or so they said, when I was turned back on.  Apparently it was something called a controlled shock?  They ended up using that a lot after that point sometimes for punishment other times for tests, but they'd always have to replace something afterwards. 
Soon they started taking punishments to another level but called it upgrading- it hurt nonetheless.. 
They first tore off my legs piece by piece while I was still on.  They then replaced them with different legs newer legs.  I had difficulty getting use to the new legs it was hard to keep my balance, so they soon added a tail onto me to help with balance.  The next few tests after that was to see how fast I could run which- I was very fast, my endurance wasn't the best though.  Which led them to their next upgrade they did. 
They added something that improved my endurance and made it so I could create more oil inside of myself- I just have to be in some sort of resting state for the second part to start working.  Soon I had gotten ears and pointed parts like claws added. 
One of the last times I seen them tho they said I reminded them of what wolf looks like so they started to call me 'Project: Lone Wolf'- what ever that even means. 
The people always left through a door which one time got left opened- It was an chance to finally escape this place of pain.. I took it I ran out the door and through a hallway dodging doors and the people- one of them had managed to get a good blow on my arm- I didn't care about it at the time as I was running to freedom which I almost got to. There was a door blocking the way, it didn't stop me though I found a weird thing covering a hole in the wall, I broke it crawled through the hole to the outside and ran.  I could hear them still though they sounded mad and I knew if I got caught they'd do worse than before...
I was scared.. I didn't know what to do so I just ran and ran as far as I could.
I was free I finally was free, but I had no one I could turn to that place was all I had knew- But hey maybe this world is better?
After some time I was tired so that I just went and found somewhere, that seemed safe and hidden.  Once I was comfortable and felt safe I just turned off or rather slept, it felt strange... It was peaceful.. I wanted to stay there forever. 

(This first chapter is a bit short- I was running outta ideas for it as its wasn't intended to be very long- since its part of the past- sorta, anyway it might take me a bit before I publish another chapter as idk how good this is or if you guys enjoyed this chapter or even if i should use more oc's or characters from the show- until next chapter)

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