Chapter 8

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Laura made her way to the bracer guild in Legram to meet up with Fie since she was in town on a few requests. It had been a while since she had seen her friend in person; it was around the time the Emperor gave them more medals for stopping Osborne. The mist that seemed to constantly hang over Legram felt heavier and more foreboding as if it were attempting to warn her of something. She opened the guild branch door and saw Fie talking to Miles.

"Well, Sylphid, here's your payment for the Orbal light tune-up." Miles hand Fie a bundle of Mira.

"Thank you. I'm done for the day. I'll see you tomorrow, Miles." Fie bowed her head before looking at Laura. "Hey."

"I don't know; it just feels like something is about to happen, you know?" Laura explained while sipping her coffee.

"Mhmm. I agree." Fie nodded as she took a bite of her sweet bread. "The question is, should we warn the others or investigate first?"

"Well, if Jaune were here, you'd know he would want to investigate before telling us anything." Laura giggled. "Sometimes I worry about him and Towa; they're so alike when it comes to taking on all the work."

"They're made for each other." Fie nodded.

"I still feel bad for Alisa. I know it was a mutual breakup, but a part of me says if she had tried again, they could have made it work." Laura sighed.

"She missed her chance." Fie bluntly stated.

"I guess." Laura accepted the statement.

"Well, well what are two of my favorite students talking about?" A pleasant, if not a little drunk, voice asked.

"Sara." Fie sighed. "It's only noon; why are you drinking?"

"Ah, come on, all my work for the day is done. So who are you talking about, hmmm? Could it be Jaune, perhaps? He certainly has grown into a fine young man. But I like my men a bit older. "Laura, is your dad in town?" And with that, Laura was done hiding her face in her hands in embarrassment.


"Achoo." A small sneeze brought Alisa out of her work, and she looked around. "I'm not getting sick, am I?" She felt her face but couldn't tell. "Is someone talking about me? I hope it isn't Grandpa with one of his stories again."


"W-w-what just h-happened?" Weiss was stunned. First, that brute dared to yell at her Weiss Schnee like she was a nobody; now that teacher of his and whoever that ruffian was were able to beat CFVY with little to no issue; they also fought each other with something. Were they summoned as the Schnees had? It's impossible only her family could use such a semblance, so what were those things?

"Eh, we could have done better." Yang waved her hand dismissively.

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