Chapter 5

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To say Glynda was surprised was an understatement. Ozpin had informed her of the dignitaries that James Ironwood had invited to this year's Vytal festival but she was not expecting to see one Jaune Arc in the group that came to Ozpins office. He stood there with the confidence of a veteran hunter having a small conversation with a short brunette woman and the white-haired man involved with the incident down by the landing pad. She hadn't thought about the boy since he left. 

(Three years ago)

'Why would Ozpin allow a boy with fake transcripts to enter this academy' Glynda looked over her scroll as the information of one Jaune Arc was shown. Lackluster grades except for history, and combat scores that showed little if no improvement. Even his Aura felt off, though she had no evidence of it she swore it wasn't natural. Sure he had minor scraps heal but it was far slower than even those with lower aura reserves however during combat it seemed like he had rather high aura reserves which didn't add up. The buzzer sounded and Glynda could hear some groaning She looked up to see that Yang Xiao Long had thrown yet another student from the ring.

"Good work Miss Xiao Long but please remember to control yourself more, one of these days you might hurt someone by accident." Glynda watched as the brawler girl left the stag followed by her opponent once he had picked himself up. Good, she wouldn't have to call the nurse again but she would make sure to check in on that student later just in case. 'Now for the next one, hmm Mr Arc. I don't want to place him against his team they won't give him the push he needs, CRDL is the weakest team but let's give him a challenge. Hopefully, he can prove he belongs here.' she pressed a button showing the next to competitors. Cardin Winchester and Jaune Arc.

"Heh, this will be an easy win." Cardin scoffed. He went to retrieve his weapon while Glynda waited for Jaune to make his way down to the arena. 

After a full minute passed Glynda sighed. "Mr. Arc please come down here this instant." There were a handful of whispers but there was no movement. "Mr. Arc!" Still nothing. "Miss Nikos, where is your partner?"

"I don't think he's left our room today he mentioned something about feeling unwell." Lie Ren answered. Glynda could feel her blood boil first Jaune Arc was skipping class and Now his own Partner wouldn't even speak about him.

"Well, then a change of plans then. Mr. Trush, Lark, Bronzewing, and Miss. Nikos, please come down to the ring as well." Nikos would likely still win but if she thought she didn't need her partner she would learn just how foolish it was. As she figured Pyrrha had won but she was showing signs of exhaustion. Not wanting to seem unfair Glynda allowed her to go rest while the class went on.

Finally, the class had finished and the chatter of students faded from the hall. She needed to talk to Ozpin, if he wanted Arc here something had to be done. She made a plan she would bring up to him and once the day was over she went to his Office. Miss Rose was exiting it with a solemn expression she smiled when she saw Glynda but didn't say anything. Curious, Glynda entered Ozpins office.

"Sir? Has something happened?" Ozpin sat there with his hands cupped in front of him with a grim expression.

"I had hoped things would go differently. I had plans to fix the issues," he muttered.

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