Chapter 8: The Silver Lions Get Desperate

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 8 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"After Jacques got arrested for helping Watts and also hiring The Silver Lions on assassinating (Y/N) and Rory, he hired a lawyer to help him only for that lawyer who Willow hired went against him with proof convicting him along with the final of the divorce between Willow and Jacques giving her complete control of the company along with the Faunus no longer working in the mines by force. After Jacques was convicted the deal with the Silver Lions ended along with the virus in the machines now removed, but the Silver Lions took action and started attacking with the last resources and weapons. With that (Y/N) was taken to the Schnee Manor for protection with a big number of Atlas Soldiers along with Ace Ops guarding everywhere. Everyone is meeting in the office of Atlas Academy to hear some shocking news......................
Taiyang: " Sabrina's dead?!"
Ironwood: "On the way to prison the guards driving the truck were knocked unconscious and when they woke up Sabrina was found dead. Stabbed through the body."
Summer: "Who would do such a thing?"
Ironwood : "I don't know. I believe they think you did it and now that Jacques is in prison along with him and Willow divorced means they won't get paid for what they did to (Y/N). They're desperate."
Qrow: "At least (Y/N) is safe. And I'm glad Winter is staying with (Y/N) and Rory, but we need to handle the Silver Lions now."
Ironwood: "I agree with Qrow. We fight back, now."

Timeskip-Three Weeks Later

.....................for the past three weeks everyone has been handling the Silver Lions one at a time, a big portion the gang has been arrested along with one of the leaders. After that their weapon and drug operations has been destroyed, their kidnapped victims has been rescued and returned home safely with two more leaders being captured. Right now everyone is fighting more of the Silver Lions knocking them out with one still awake.....................
Qrow: "Alright you son if a bitch, where is the rest of your leaders?"
Silver Lions Member 1: "I won't say anything."
Qrow: "That's good. I'll chop your fingers off."
Silver Lions Member 1: "Wait, wait okay. There's one more operating here in Atlas, but I don't know where it is. I swear."
.....................Qrow knocks him out for Atlas Soldiers to take them away.....................

Winter P.O.V
Timeskip-A Week Later

.....................more Silver Lions have been put in prison, but no sign of the rest of leaders. Back at the Schnee Manor beside the bed of still an unconscious (Y/N) is Winter along with their son Rory sitting on her lap with Summer sleeping on the couch. Rory coos happily making Winter smile for her to rub his head until she looks at (Y/N) with sadness seeing him in his comatose state.....................
Winter: "(Y/N). Before I met you I just focused on my job being in Atlas and I never loved anyone other than my family. When I met you, I knew it was love at first sight and that lead to our beautiful baby boy Rory here. When you wake up we will get married and be a family, if I lost you I won't know what I would do. But, you mean so much to me. *holds his hand* I love you (Y/N) Rose."
.....................Rory coos as she sees him reach to her hand until he places his hand on hers hand which she smiles at, she goes to move her hand away until she saw movement making her look thinking she was hallucinating until his hand started closing causing her eyes to widen.....................
Winter: "(Y/N)? Summer! Summer wake up!"
Summer: *sits up* "What?! What's wrong?"
.....................she looks at his hand close further with Winter looking again with her eyes widening going beside him on the other side of the bed. His hand closes holding both Winter and Rory's hands until his eyes winced until his eyes opened revealing his silver eyes turning his head to Winter and Rory with her looking happy.....................
(Y/N): "Winter? Rory? *looks at Summer* Mom?"
Summer: "(Y/N)! *hugs him* You're awake!"
.....................she sobs happily until Winter hugged joining them, cooing is heard with Rory reaching for him as he hold him and hugs him back.....................
(Y/N): "I'm so glad you're okay Rory."

Ruby and Yang P.O.V

.....................back in Atlas, everyone is taking care of the remaining Silver Lions. They are taking the rest in the van until Taiyang's scroll goes off which he answers. After a second his eyes widen making Yang and Ruby worry.....................
Ruby: "Dad, what's wrong?"
Taiyang: "It's (Y/N). He's awake."
.....................their eyes widen in happiness to quickly return to the Schnee Manor with the two rushing through the halls going through the door seeing (Y/N) awake with Rory sitting on his lap smiling at him until he looks at them with a smile on his face seeing them until they rushed at him to hug him gently not to hurt Rory with tears going down their faces crying happily that he's awake.....................
Ruby: "You're awake."
Yang: "We're so happy you're okay."
(Y/N): "Sorry I worried you both, I was told what you did and I'm happy you all took care of Rory."
.....................they stopped hugging him to look at him until Rory coos for their attention which they adored him, footsteps are heard for them to see Weiss standing there nervous until she approaches them.....................
Weiss: "(Y/N), it's nice to meet you. My name is Weiss Schnee."
(Y/N): "You're Weiss? Winter told me all about you, I've been wanting to meet you for some time now."
Weiss: "I've been wanting to meet you for some time myself, after finding out that Winter is a mother of Rory. I needed to meet my future brother-in-law."
(Y/N): "Well, it's nice to meet you Weiss."
Whitley: "So this is him, it's nice to meet you (Y/N). I am Whitley Schnee."
(Y/N): "The little brother? I also know about you, how you looked up to that asshole you called a father and that makes you the little jackass."
Whitley: "Hey!"
Yang: *laughs* "That's good one."
(Y/N): "How long was I in a coma?"
Summer: "It's been months. We've been investigating what happened and we found out it was the Silver Lions that tried to kill you. The one who ran you over was Sabrina."
(Y/N): "Sabrina, huh? When I find her she's going down."
Qrow: "That's the problem kiddo. *he looks at him* Sabrina's dead. She was killed on her way to prison."
(Y/N): "She's dead? *he nods* So, I guess we're at the Schnee Manor? What did Jacques say?"
Winter: "He's been arrested and my mother divorced him after what he did. Working with Watts and also the one who hired the Silver Lions to kill you. He's going to be in prison for a long time."
(Y/N): "Good."
Ruby: "But, the Silver Lions are almost beaten. There's two more leaders to find and they're beaten for good."
(Y/N): "Alright. I wish I could join you, but it's going to be some time before I can help. Be careful though, these guys are resilient."
Taiyang: "Don't worry (Y/N). We'll be careful, you just rest. Okay?"
.....................he nods in understanding until Rory crawls to him reaching towards him until he hugs him for (Y/N) to hug his son back after some time of not holding him with everyone smiling and happy that (Y/N) is finally awake."

To be continued.....................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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