Chapter Fifteen

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I tied my hair into a ponytail and smoothed my shirt.
"Done!" I exclaimed excitedly, looking back at Peter. He too, faced me, and rolled his eyes.
"It's a bonfire Chloe, not a super fancy restaurant."
I tssked at him and turned back to the mirror to look at myself.
It had been a couple of months since Peter and I had made it official. Of course, Wendy wasn't too happy about that, but she and Felix found comfort in each other, and were now dating. Wendy has slowly grown to begrudgingly like me, and same for me.
I felt a little bad that I had played Felix, but he forgave me and now loves Wendy more than anything. I should know, they aren't very quiet at night.
I have no desire to go back to Mom and Paul, but I have heard from some lost boys who have traveled to their world that they've recently gone homeless. I couldn't care less, I am happy here.
Peter walked towards the mirror and held out his hand for me. I took one gratefully, and we walked out of the hut together. The bonfire was massive, and we saw it as soon as we walked out of the hut.
Felix and Wendy waved us over, and we sat next to our friends.
"Hey guys! It smells so good, what are you making?" I asked.
Felix acting like the chef, pointed to some meat he had on the grill. "Right here, I have some fish, over here is some mice, and of course, some chicken!"
The lost boys chittered and chattered, while Peter and I silently made some small talk.
"So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" I questioned him. "I was thinking of some archery, some-"
I was interrupted by a glowing orb that came from the sky and drifted down in front of Peter. He too, was puzzled, but he gently tapped the buzzing thing.
Suddenly, a pretty girl with bright blond hair and green eyes popped up on the orb. She looked like she was Peter's sister.
Peter however, was shocked. His eyes were wide open and he gasped but didn't move.
"Tink?" He managed to get out.
Tink smiled at him with a sisterly grin. "Peter, you have no idea what has happened in my life right now. I found my family!"
Tink moved out of the frame to show an older woman who looked exactly like her, and a man who had brown hair with Tink's eyes.
Peter's eyes filled with joy. "Tink, that's amazing! It's so good to finally see you again!"
"You too! I've missed you so much!" Tink smiled at us and waved at me. I shyly waved back.
"Tink, this is my girlfriend, Chloe." Pan pushed the glowing orb in my direction. I smiled at Tink.
"Hi! Oh my gosh, you are gorgeous! Way too pretty to be Peter's girlfriend!"
I laughed, and Peter rolled his eyes. "Tink."
Tink herself laughed. "Say Peter, I think I can visit you sometime! My parents are allowing me to see you again. As long as I have a tracking device on me though. I would love to see the camp again. It's been like, forever!"
Peter smiled too. "That would be great!" He turned to me. "Are you okay with it, though?"
I nodded before grinning at Tink. "Of course!"
Tink clapped her hands. She turned around for a second and gasped at a loud crash we had heard, before yelling at someone. She muttered something about never having enough time to herself as she turned back facing us, an exasperated look on her face. "Shoot, my little sister just dropped a cup on the ground." She groaned.
"I have to go now unfortunately, but it was great seeing you two! I'll visit sometime!"
Peter and I waved back. "You better." Peter warned.
Tink playfully rolled her eyes. "Bye guys!"
"Bye!" We said in unison.
As Tink's face disappeared, the glowing orb went back into the sky. Peter sighed, and I knew he was excited about seeing his friend again.
Felix cleared his voice at us. "Hello lovers, I didn't make this whole meal for nothing!"
I giggled and Peter wrapped his arm around me before kissing me on the cheek.
There we sat, surrounded by our friends and a bonfire. The sound of music and friendship and laughter filling the woods. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
As I looked at Peter once again, I admired his blond hair and green eyes. I admired his personality and thoughtfulness. I admired my boy. My Peter.

Author's note:
sorry if the ending seems kind of rushed haha, i'm really excited about the new book im writing😉
even though this is the end of the story, i'll still be making edits of the chapters and doing what i can to make them better:)
HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED HIS LOST GIRL! i spent a lot of time into this story, and it was nice writing for you guys!
GOODBYE MY LOVELIES, and I'll see you later for the next one!

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